Explanation ||| Part 2

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Explanation - A Living Light

     Sabre is essentially a holy deity like being in a mortal body, not aware of what he is. And no one finds out about it until the Sabre is in the Rainbow Kingdom. And this event takes place before his powers are found out and also before the whole thing goes on with Sol. He just so happened to find M early and become friends with him, even if the leader disapproves(?).

     Sabre, being the deity like bean he is, is just staring straight up at the sky. Right at the center of the solar eclipse. Much to M and the Red Leader who is there for some reason dismay. Also Sabre in a weird way trusts the Red Leader greatly while also barely trusting him.

     Hear is the little bit of writing I've done for this AU so far.


     "Stop looking at that!" M is trying to get Sabre off of his roof and stop him from staring at the eclipse. Sabre being stubborn and entranced by the eclipse doesn't move or look away.

     "But it's so pretty...." M is just exasperated now. "Yes, very pretty! But it will make you go blind!" Sabre continues to ignore M until he stomps off. Probably to go get the Professor and the Assistant to chase him down.

     Sabre continues to stare at the eclipse until a pair of hands cover his eyes. "My Apprentice is right, you know, you will go blind." Sabre makes an annoyed sound and tries to remove the hands from his eyes.

     Red Leader's grip only tightened. "Ah, ah , ah. No more looking at the sun. Now why don't we go inside and let me look at your eyes.

     M panicked when he got back and saw that Sabre wasn't there, Professor and Assistant helped him search for Sabre. Eventually they had checked every place in the Village they knew of except Red Leader's house.

     They go into Red's living room to ask him where Sabre might have gone. Only to find RL reading a book with Sabre who has fallen asleep on his shoulder. There was a plate and cup that clearly had freshly baked cookies and warmed up milk in it at one point. And Sabre's bandana was gone and replaced by soft but thick bandages, protecting his eyes from any further damage.

     "Okay this is very sweet I'll admit, but what the tick tack is happen-" Professor doesn't even get to finish his sentence before he got shushed by the leader. "Sshhh, now come sit down with us."

     The three looked back and forth at each other before resigning themselves to their fates and going over to the couch. Where they would eventually fall asleep. Which they did not even five minutes later.


Name: Sabre
Age: 20
Birthday: June 20th
Hight: 5ft 9in

     Shoulder length brown hair that has gold highlights and his hair and skin reflects like there's little specks of gold in the light. He has very fair skin with two scars on his back.

     Wears a white clothes with gold detailing, and sometimes red. His clothes typically have a very flowy, magical, and soft feel to them.

     He is extremely sweet and caring. He is very innocent and loves everyone around him. He takes good care of everything and everyone around him.

     Though he takes great care of every thing and one else he sometimes forgets to care for himself too. Everyone believes that he is far too caring, naïve, and dumb. He is actually extremely intelligent and can be very poetic at times and he is in no way naive and it takes a fool to believe that.

     He enjoys everyone's company but sometimes they can be a bit much. Especially when they're fighting or being overbearing.

     He considers every one he's met a friend and calls the Leaders, Light, and a few other people family. Though Professor Red, The Red Leader, M, and Assistant hold a special place in his heart as they don't ever understand him and they actually respect him.

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