Caffeine & Paws

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Gemini’s POV

“Sir we will be reaching the company within 1 ho –”

“My Americano? ” I cut off my secretary, not taking my eyes off from the big droplets hitting against my shutter. Rain, my favourite weather, though it's hated by many. It makes me appreciate the warmth. The harsh coldness makes me feel alive.

I came out of my train of thoughts as my secretary seems to be silent for more than 5 seconds. Not two or three but five???? I finally made my attempt to glare at him and he started his stuttering...  I already know where this is going... This damn human creature beside me who was paid to provide me everything .... Damn he forgot my coffee!!!!

“So you are basically trying to word that you forgot to order my Americano?” with my low audible tone, driver prom stopped the car, like he knows what was going to happen next.

“I need my coffee right now!!!” “But s-sir we can’t reach a Michelin cafe in this area” Dammit ... Prom find the nearest café!!!” Yes sir.

I finally opened my eyes as I heard the car tires screeching . A small cafe but the gloomy ambience... well it was there. My secretary started to struggle with his umbrella... What a life, what a clumsy ass, I started mentally cursing him and ran through the rain to get a hold of an Americano as soon as possible .

Rain was all spattered on me, I tried to compose myself and stepped inside the cafe. My eyes were engulfed in a homely interior decorated with potted plants, ivy vines. Aroma of freshly brewed coffee mixed with a hint of melted chocolate has claimed the air of the cafe. A young man in a barista apron was engrossed with his own baking in the middle which made it go unnoticed his customer’s arrival.

(this is the ambience I want to create, imagine this on a rainy day)

“One Ice Americano to stay” I decided to blend in the unique environment as I barely get to see such a place in the middle of the city. Finally the man turned his face to me...

A warm pair of raven eyes placed gracefully between long lashes, embraced with few flocks of his dark silky hair kissing the smooth skin of his forehead. Puffy cheeks painted in blush pink in an almost unrealistic shade covered in a sprinkle of black beauty marks. A gleeful grin which could be the feathery duvet in the middle of a chilly downpour claimed his eyes in a pair of crescents . The boy seems to be in his early twenties.
Beautifully handsome. Neither sculptured in extreme feminine features nor rough chiselled masculinity. A faint mix of both like a well flavoured coffee .

Third person POV

Barista was serving the coffee to his customer. Suddenly a loud bark occupied the peaceful quietness of the cafe. With a loud squeak the cup flew across the air fully bathing the designer shirt revealing CEO’s toned abs dipped in cold coffee. As for the poor boy, he was trying with his luck to find a higher place to protect himself from the four pawed beast in front of him. Of course his loser eyes , couldn’t find anything to hop on except the 6ft tall figure besides him. Yeah, he simply placed his whole weight on him!
Although Gemini was frozen on the spot he managed to carry the baby Koala clinging into his body but the chock hold had on him was making him breathless by each passing second.

The creator of the scene, neighbourhood puppy, eventually left the cafe as he was unbothered by the positions the two men were in.

“Are you planning to get off me anytime soon or should we head to the bedroom? ” customer’s rude yet seducing invitation made the younger realise what he was doing. Turning crimson out of embarrassment he started apologising “Sorry khun-” but he was cut off as the customer started to criticise him.

“ If you were that desperate to touch my abs you could have simply asked me without ruining my precious shirt, no wonder your cafe seems to not do well if you treat your customers like this!!!” Gemini stormed out of the cafe leaving the sighing innocent boy mumbling softly to himself “ Chai Khun, you are right my cafe is not doing well, but it’s not only the cafe...”

🌻Hi this is for the first chapter!!! Hope you enjoy atleast a little... Tell me what you feel okieee???
🌻Wish you the best for everyone, if you are feeling down just hang on, you will be better soon, DON'T GIVE UP!!!
🌻love u all so much, it hurts❤️😭

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