Kitten Ears; May Be Cute?

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Gemini’s POV

“Well look who is here finally?” Satang teased me.
I glared him unbothered to mouth any replies picking up the little kitten who was rubbing his whole body near my shoe.
But in fact he was right, it’s been a while I finally came here. A cat shelter owned by Satang, the most famous veterinarian of the country whom I met in my college. It was intentionally kept in an abandoned building as he neither wants more MCs clutching onto his private life nor slogans about his golden heart. Simply it was a place for injured cats and secondarily a safe heaven for both of us. Two different problems but the same root , the mental breakdowns occurring due to the insane greedy expectations of our prestigious families successfully remind us of this place without failing to return here once or twice a month. A faint purr of a fluff ball could put my mind at ease unlike those meaningless noises made through human lips.
“Wow wow! Are you serious right now? Look at your eyes! Such fond gazes for the kittens? But for us humans, death glares? How unfair my friend? They will surely cancel my license reasoning I am a psychopath if I tell them their nation’s ice prince could pull boba eyes! How cruel!”
No I am too kind to listen to him. I took long steps to leave the place.
“Ai’Gemini don’t leave yet, you still have to listen to me. Can you believe me, I finally found the love of my life!!!”
“So this one will be your 57th final right? Oh no it will 58 if we considered the ‘Man Of Your Dreamsʼyou met last month?” I spattered bitterly knowing annoyingly well about my friend’s love life. But I have to admit last one made it for a month until Satang bump into this new found love of his life.
“Well congratulations for the umpteenth time then, I will personally book the best sound proof suite this time, because I don’t want my employees to be victims of a sound coma unlike last time”. I had a cabin in my office just in case if I get needy, but it was basically used by Satang to taste his loves of life. Last time the sounds were unbearable until it reached the floor below us. I knew most of the employees misunderstood it was me and Satang, but who cares of what others think of me, so I practically left it to their own imaginations.
“Aww don’t say that na, we weren’t that loud anyways, listen to my story pleaseeee?” like I have any other option, I mentally patted myself.
“You know that we were looking for someone to take care of the kittens right? Well we couldn’t find someone who wasn’t trying to get inside my pants to have my wallet .”
“Say like you really mind that” I rolled my eyes with a disgusted look.
“Nong, save your judgements for the end. So we found a cute boy and he wanted to volunteer here. It’s his cousin who is my love of life-”
Someone knocked on the door saving me temporarily from the unbearable cringe I am about to feel. Whoever it is, a real life saviour.
“Come in”...The little boy is here, Satang mouthed to me.

Fourth’s POV

I was stunned by the scene in front of my eyes . Wait, was my timing bad? Khun Satang’s waist was cupped between a pair of arms. His arms were snaking around the latter’s neck picturing themselves in an outstanding waltz performance. Their intense gaze remained unbreakable speaking for their undeniable chemistry.
After few blinks I realised my situation was much worse than I expected, once I recognised the taller man who seems to be shocked from their own positions. It was the customer whom I offended with my embarrassing behaviour. I quickly realised that I will be subjected to a much severe rebuke for crushing down their moment as I was pre- knowledged by his short lived temper.
“S-sorry khun, I am really sorry, I will come back later” I dashed out of the door smeared with guilt and embarrassment.
“Shia meung, he thought we were doing something!” I let out a frustrated yell.
“Well aren’t we-” my fiery glare avoided continuing him for more gibberish flirts.
“Oh chill dude, you just saved your precious friend’s life, you are secretly in love with me right?” no I can’t put up with him today.
“Stop with your drama, it’s not funny” from the deep baritone voice of mine he knew I meant it.
“But wait, you were never worried of people misunderstanding us before, why are you so worked up only now?”
The playful smirk now plastered on Satang’s lips sent chills to my spine. “Oho, my pheun were you worried because of the boy? Did my friend finally got shot by the cupid’s arrow???”
“Oi, don’t put words in my mouth, I don’t make out with random strangers like you.” I was taking heavy steps towards the door being frustrated at my own behaviour.
Khun Gemini did you forget I have a family dinner to attend- “so what?” don’t cut me off, so you have to bring this key to that boy, he probably came to ask for the key before, please handover this to him.” Satang’s seductive wink made Gemini shrink his nostrils in disgust.
“Nope, I am not going there, you can go. I have better things to do.”
“No meung, please help me I can’t be late.... Don’t forget to drop him on your way, it’s one of the policies here”. Satang ranted successfully hiding his smile with a serious look.
If the looks could kill, Satang would be dead by now.

Gemini POV

“My little cutie paws, eat well and grow biggie” the lisp of the voice reminds of a baby talk.
I slowly placed my body against the door taking my time to devour the cute scene in front of me. The young man was pooled by the purring little kittens, they seem genuinely fond of him. The big human cat was feeding the fluffy balls, while some of them were in his hands shoulders and all over his body. Who is the actual kitten here? I smirked to myself . Well, I had no intention to disturb them.

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