You Complete My Moon...

443 29 13

Third person POV

They were speeding amidst of the street lights. The known hot weather of Bangkok has already switched to the night chilly breeze. Smaller, tightened his arms around the big torso in front of him, placing his head between the crook of his neck and shoulders, asking for more warmth.

It was different for both. For gemini their first ride memories were covered with tingling sensation of fondness towards the little boy. For Fourth it was just the comfort he never had for years. But this was different. There is more to that. The unspoken inexplicable feelings but it was mutual ...

With the tightening hands around his torso, gemini took a glance at the boy clinging onto him through the mirror.
"Are you cold nong, just few minutes, hang on tight"
he carefully patted the soft hand snaking around his belly. He could feel the slight nod of his kitten behind his back.

He was warm. Though the weather seems so cold.

Gemini removed the helmet from the little one's head as Fourth was busy taking the view of the surrounding.

A clear space covered with white sand. It was well hidden between the huge trees, playing the role of guardian angels . The moon was peaking happily amidst the woody branches. There was absolute no bulbs to lighten up the place. Though the little park seems to lack the human touch for a longtime , it was adorned by the twinkling lights of the starry night.

There were few stoney benches, a couple of broken swings paired with a slide in the corner. Nothing much. But it was enough to shade happy colours on the boy's face.

He looked up at the taller man beside him

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He looked up at the taller man beside him. The taller couldn't surpress his chuckle once he read the clear disappointment written in the latter's face as the park was locked.

Swiftly he took the smaller's hand in his and unlocked the broken lock. The boy's face was decorated with a wide grin mirroring the same reaction of a little kid who got to devour his favourite flavoured ice-cream. Gemini took him and asked him to sit on the one of the benches.

"When I was little I used to hide here all the times when I feel sad. This place was never crowded with people, everyone hated it calling a shady place, but I love being here...."
Fourth was happy to notice the content note in Gemini's voice while chewing on one of the pork sticks Gemini bought for him.

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