Breathe my love

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Phuwin and the rest of the team decided to let Gemini meet Fourth once again . Progress of a psychological treatment cannot be tracked down so precisely just like in a physical condition. They had to test the waters. And this is about his brother after all.

After giving Fourth's midday medication, Phuwin and Satang accompanied fourth in the room. Slowly they let Gemini inside .

After few seconds fourth noticed him. Fourth stared at him for a little while without saying anything. Phuwin sighed seeing the progress.

Suddenly fourth's pupils grew bigger . His breathes were cut short inhaling sharply.

"Phi Gemini , phi , he is dead , he left me , why who , phi , please don't come"
No matter how hard they tried , fourth was uncontrollable. Blocking his ears like he was hearing something.

"Please go away , pleaseeee"
Phuwin looked at his brother helplessly.
Gemini left the room. Satang accompanied him outside.

"I -I wish I never met him"
"What ? What do you mean Gemini?"
"He won't go through this if I never met him,I wish I never fell for him , I made him like this phi ! I fucked up everything, all the time . Guess what , pa was right." Gemini left out a sad chuckle.

"Gemini , listen , I know you are feeling shit right now , but he loves you nong , fourth loves you , he is so happy with you , even now he is screaming your name , he loves you bro , so much ."

Gemini was silent . After a while he broke the silence.

"If he is comfortable with Phuwin, if he can make him happy , I am ready to give up . He doesn't deserve to suffer with me , he deserves love ."

Phuwin heard everything. He was coming towards his brother after putting Fourth to sleep .

"Gemini , let's talk, let's get out of here ."
Gemini stood up from the chair , directly facing Phuwin.
"Can you make him happy phi ? "
"Come with me first, satang please stay with fourth."
Phuwin dragged Gemini far away from fourth's room.


They were on that rooftop. Where Phuwin got his first heartbreak. He wonders how many confessions happened in the very same place . But it was Gemini's first time here . They sat themselves in one of the benches. For much relief it wasn't crowded.

Phuwin dragged a deep breath.
"You know this is where fourth rejected me , never thought that innocent boy had such courage in him, but guess what , love could give you all the courage you want.The love he has for you ." Phuwin smiled thinking about the past.

"The same love which made him like this? What a waste ." Gemini spattered sarcastically.

"The same love which made both of you happy. For fucks sake get it together gem . I am fourth's doctor for years but none of my therapy sessions made him this alive Gemini. His soul was dead Gemini . I am his doctor . Never saw him giggling before . You, your love made him like this . Fourth choose you !he fucking choose you to love !"

Gemini was silent, he can't argue. But yet he doesn't feel he deserves him.

" I know what's love Gemini . I know one when I see it . Your fancy big love actually inspired me for courting someone. Your smart brain fucking inspired this stupid phi to court the one he likes now...and for god's sake stop thinking you don't deserve fourth ! You both deserve each other and for trying to throw fourth in my hands , you deserve a punch in the face as well ."

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