Droplets On Your Rosy Lips...

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Time was spinning wheels of weeks despite their hearts, which were kept in a frigid dungeon . Barista was wiping those tables until they became spotless though he failed to wipe out the dusty mist out of his heart. He looks like a little ghost with those heavy black pools underneath his eyes. Those few days he slept for hour or two was a big win compared to the tackle of sleepless nights he spent within the weeks. But his nightmares kept increasing because of the ongoing turmoil within him. Suddenly he felt dizzy and dropped the cup, spilling coffee to the cleaned table all over again. Thunder ball passing through the window made him conscious that he didn't have anything since the last night's cup of ramen.

The café door opened, accommodating the furious storm inside. He never expected any customer in this fuming weather.
Swardee khub, Welcome to the-
The familiar figure in front of him made barista's chest tightened .
Kh- Khun, may I help you?
Though he felt his absurd comment provoked a bittery tension in the air, he couldn't help as he was too afraid to make a remark on how soaked Gemini was. He kept his twitching hands behind his back which were ready to run and wipe out the rain drops from the handsome face, now a little above him, but, he was distant, for the first time.

Gemini couldn't stop the wiggling of his body. Those red bloody bottles were built in a pyramid near his bed by the end of the evening, if he couldn't seek comfort through the cat nursery, this was his only friend who never let him down till today. Fourth was quick enough to catch the taller before his body could completely hug the cold floor.
"Let go of me Fourth, Don't touch me, You aren't mine" while trying to remove the hold of the tender hands on his body, gemini couldn't help but notice a quick glitch on the little one's eyes. But his tipsy eyes failed to comprehend what exactly that emotion was.

"What do you mean Khun?", "Did you come alone?", "Why are you so drunk? .
This made Gemini more annoyed. He was not his, then why does he care so much? Why does this boy make everything hard for him. For the umpteenth time, gemini cursed all those universal fairies, which he heard through those bed time stories.

"Because it never left me out Fourth, I was never an option, I was never ignored in front of those bottles Fourth",
"hm... Sorry for troubling you fourth , guess I just burdened you with extra things to mop out, I am leaving."
Gemini left out a sad chuckle and turned his back towards the door.

" Khun, please why are you like this, you can't drive like this, please stay atleast the weather calms down."
"Please stop giving me hope fourth" little guy took several steps back unconsciously.
"Why are you doing this to me? Why can't I let you go? Why was I late? Why I couldn't be the first? What do I lack? Why I am never enough? Why I am always just an option, even in the eyes of the person I like I am a mere option, I was never placed first in anything fourth. Why can't you like me back fourth? I want to be selfish for once fourth, for you, but he is my brother, what should I do? Why did I fell for you? I feel so tired, I feel worthless, I feel like shit fourth!!"

The smaller one's frame was shrinking amidst the furious sky growlings as well as those loud tantrums. He couldn't stop sobbing. Once again he was twitching his fingers mindlessly like he used to, when he cannot control his emotions.

" Answer me fourth! Why you came into my life, if I don't deserve you!!! Why it's always like this? And why are you crying? "

"I - I, kh-u-n GE-mi-ni, pl-ea-se do-n't sh-out, it h-urts, you are hur-ting me. " the little boy covered his ears as he couldn't bare the painful ringing inside them. He was miserable.

It was hard to comprehend his words between loud sobs. But the last sentence made him sober. He was hurting his little boy, he was venomous for that pair of sparkling eyes.

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