Your Cheeks Are Softer Than Bread

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"Please breathe with me, please here like this, like your phi gemini, one, two, three. Breathe my little baby, breathe. Gemini took fourth's hand and kept it on his chest trying to lead fourth. He was trying his best,watching his little lover struggling so hard to breathe. Gemini felt the fear, Gemini felt the fear of losing him, in front of his own eyes....

After few seconds, Gemini felt the shivering of fourth's body,subsidized gradually through the hand on Fourth's back. . With great effort Fourth took couple of breaths trying to calm himself. A single tear slipped from Gemini's eye.

"Baby, you are doing great, my baby is so good, a little more love, you gonna be okay. I am here, I will never leave you love, never ever."
Gemini laid fourth's body completely on his lap.

Fourth's sweet voice was stolen by sobs.

"Promise love, promise!!!! I love you so much, how can I live without you? You will always have me, I will never leave you."

Slowly fourth was able to open his eyes. His first view was him. His beautiful eyes looking at him with so much love. His phi Gemini.

"Phi Gemini."
Fourth couldn't keep his eyes open due to tear streams coming out of his eyes. But those beautiful eyes above him, carried the same burden. Weight of losing fourth, weight of being helpless. In front of Gemini's eyes, it flashed how he almost lost his love.

Gemini raised the fragile body between his arms until their forheads touch. Both were drowning in their tears with closed eyes.

"I love you fourth, I love you my baby."
He slowly moved closer to his lover's face and kisses him. It was so tender and reassuring. Fourth's fragile heart could feel the warmth of the message, latter trying to convey through his lips. It was not burdened by passion, but filled with love, so soft. He felt safe, he felt loved again.

Gemini kept repeating the same sentence again and again. It was more like a self assurance for Gemini, he was calming his own heart, which went through the worst feeling. He completely held the boy's whole body against his torso, afraid to lose the warmth he was receiving.

"wish this wasn't a dream for you baby."
Gemini muttered to himself with such pain. How he wished,to see and hold his baby like this. Not just at night. But everyday, every minute....

Slowly they drifted to sleep.


It was that time again. 3am. Gemini has to leave. With one last stolen kiss on his baby's forehead, he removed himself from their shared embrace getting out of the bed. After tucking Fourth to sleep he took his steps towards the door.

"Phiii Gem-iniiii, are you leaving me?"
Gemini snapped his head back, stopping in his tracks.

He forgot the entire vocabulary for a good minute.

"Fourth...???" first in a doubtful questioning tone.
"Fourthhh!!!!" a surprised realization.

"You promised... To not to leave me..."

"Fourth... Baby... I...??? Am I... Dreaming???"
Gemini hold on to the bed frame for support, afraid to go closer, thinking this was too good to be true.

Fourth nodded his head to sides. Tears started streaming from his starry eyes. But... His lips were curving...

Curving into a beautiful smile.
His beautiful smile again....he was smiling for real in front of Gemini... Oh, how he missed this....

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