Strawberry Or Your Blush?

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Even before he made a knock on the door, he was blushing hard acting like a high school teenager who is about to meet her crush.
“Please come in” the gentleness of the voice made him all giddy.
“Hello there Nong fourth, how have you been?” it is the sweetest smile ever for fourth, as the man who owns it signalled him to take a seat in front of him.
“I am okay khun, thank you” even a child would question fourth’s  cheekies for getting that rare shade of pink whenever the latter made an action towards him. Many would clearly declare that they hate to encounter this moment , but for fourth, he could say he has been counting days every month. His caring voice full of sincerity, gestures belong to a gentleman have never startled fourth giving the assurance that he is a whole human being nothing less. Not to mention the handsome clean appearance as well as the attractive personality of the taller man currently moving his delicate hands to fix his specs made a pleasant scene in front of fourth’s eyes. If he is a celebrity, those couple of seconds will be on trending with a video clip attached to it saying he screams boyfriend energy. Fourth is truly grateful to his cousin who forced him to meet him.

Gemini’s POV
Once again I am a filler of the chairman in the board meeting seat for my parent’s absence as they had a charity event to attend in the evening

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Gemini’s POV
Once again I am a filler of the chairman in the board meeting seat for my parent’s absence as they had a charity event to attend in the evening. Refusal was introduced to me as a word that I could never use in my life, I was basically a puppet whose strings were tightly knotted to my parent’s hands. After instructing them to re-do the whole project plan, my footsteps were directing towards the only medicine that could work on me in the whole hospital.
I made a light tap on the door in case he might  have patients at that time.
“Oh-, I will wait in your room” but my feet suddenly came to a halt as I recognised the guest’s pair of familiar eyes which turned towards me.
“Nong Fourth?”, “Khun Gemini?”
“Well, I am glad I could save the introductory speech today?” latter one chuckled as he heard the surprised voices of the other two. Few seconds later, he cleared his throat to return our attention to him as our stares were fixed & remained frozen on each other.
“As you seems to know each other, let me skip to the part where...., Nong fourth this is my brother, Gemini.... Gemini this is my favourite patient, more like a friend of mine”.
I noticed the pink shade rushing to fill in Fourth’s puffy cheeks once Phuwin finished his words about friends . Wait, is it really needed to give one of the cutest grins of Fourth to Phuwin ? I mindlessly twisted my fingers while taking a seat next to Fourth’s.
“Aww weren’t you going to leave Gemini?”. Phuwin asked while the remaining pair of eyes following my every action.
“No I will meet you later, I have to go somewhere with him”. I pointed at a confused Fourth.
“You are so annoying you know that right? , bye for now  N’Fourth, let’s catch up later na!” There! He is going again with that million dollar smile, before he could say anything, I quickly grabbed his hand and left the room.
“Khun what are you doing, where are we going?” he tried to release his hand from the hold. No I am not allowing that, not yet!
I released his hand in front of my car, gesturing him to get inside.
A loud chuckle almost left my mouth, when his mouth shaped into a cute pout.
“Khun I am not getting in your car, why should I do that, I can go by myself, I have legs!?”
It is really refreshing to see him complaining after I ruined his sweet moment with his puppy crush. Reminds me a sulking puppy making cute noises to complain.
“I am not planning to be your all time driver either, but I want my treat”. I raised my brows.
“Oh Khu-un Gemini, I am s-sorry I-” “Did you forget your promise? How ungrateful? I don’t want it then” teasing him feels so good.
“Wait Khun, it’s not like that, let me treat you!” he started shaking the hand of my coat without realising his own actions. “Get in” once his sweet voice is now ordering me firmly?!
I comprehend that some effortless adorableness lies deep within him. It is not like my mind didn’t cross the thought why Fourth has appointments with Phuwin, a psychiatrist. But it’s not my place to pry into other’s lives and to get more stressed.
We were wrapped in a comfortable silence till we reach his cafe. He quickly excused himself and ran to the kitchen picking up his apron to get into work. Once again I was amazed by the serenity of the cafe, it’s the peace I always want to be encountered but never met in between the walls of luxurious marbles.
“Khun Gemini, can I get something to eat you as well?”
“Recommend me something” his pretty forehead was covered in a couple of lines, he seems to think of what to recommend.
“How about a strawberry moon pie?” “You like strawberries ?” His face suddenly lit up with the question. “Yes, my parents owned a strawberry farm when I was little, because I love strawberry so much, I even know how to grow strawberries.” His genuine smile could brighten anyone’s day.
Once he get out from all the nostalgic memories he was put up with an embarrassed trance as he realised he overshared with a stranger. “Sorry khun, give me few minutes.” He left, more like ran across to the kitchen.

The pie was truly delicious

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The pie was truly delicious. Home-made strawberry jam dripping into your mouth with each bite, freshly baked in a crescent moon shape, it really matches the young barista. He was about to leave when I held his wrist and gestured him to sit in front of me.
“I want my treat to be the way I like”. I enlightened the confused kitten in front of me. I missed the true contentment of dining with a comfortable company except those forced family dinners.
“Are you waiting  me to feed you?” he grabbed a spoonful and started stuffing his mouth with my dangerous remark. The reddish pink now painting on his face is only a few shades lighter than the strawberry jam in my pie. “Narak” of course I was careful to not to say it louder.
I was struck by a thought thanks to the tasteful pie, I should work on that very soon....
I raised by my seat.
“Have a safe ride back, khun gemini” His smile did reach his eyes this time, it felt good as it was only for me.
“Guess I will be having your strawberry pie often”. I stepped towards my car leaving a surprised Fourth.
“Hoho, Gemini, what is with your smiling lately ?” I was tapping along on my steering wheel to a Nont Tanont’s song shaking my own trains of thoughts.

That's it for the third chapter guys!!! 🌻
Hope you will enjoy the lil cuties😝🌻!!!
I am grateful for your votes and comments😭❤️
No matter what never give up okay??? You need to attend a gf concert, bts concert or any concert, FM you want😝

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