Doodles On The Peach Paper

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//... Knock knock... //

"Come in"
I growled at the person who just entered. My father was determined to not to give me any rest, as he was still keeping a grudge from the last time. I am used to it, just two hours sleep, surviving on coffee and snacks. I could do more.

"Here is your coffee and dessert Khun, I will take my leave khub."
I didn't raise my eyes from the document I was working on,until I heard him leaving. Suddenly I relaxed my furrowed brows. I was grinning at the coffee cup. I knew I was smiling like an idiot thinking about the coffee maker. I miss him.

While I was busy stuffing my mouth with the delicious strawberry pie, I barely noticed some writing on the coffee cup. Rubbing my eyes to get a clear view, I turned it fully to see the writing.

"Hi P'Gem enjoy your coffee" with a smiley at the end.

(Fourth's handwriting was so pretty, this is my ugly doodle😭)

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(Fourth's handwriting was so pretty, this is my ugly doodle😭)

I cursed myself. I couldn't stop imagining how better it would be to hear those words from his mouth coupled with his gummy smiles. which reached his star like eyes. I have lost it, I know.

I dialed my secretary's number. "Come to my office now."

he was breathing out loudly like he just completed a marathon.

"Bring your coffee cup!"

"Sir I-"

"Bring another employee's coffee cup as well, I asked Khun Fourth to make some upgrades in the design , I need to check whether it's done or not."

Though he was confused at first , he left hurriedly, I mean my explanation was logical.

"Here they are Sir, I don't think there's any recognisable update"
I inspected the whole cup, even the bottom.

"Yeah I can see that, It's so irresponsible of him, I will speak to him, leave"
I returned the cups.

So it was only for me. My kitten really meant it only for me.

Fourth's pov

"Delivery for Khun Fourth "

"Thank you khub,"
after signing it, I went inside the cafe.

It was not even the time to receive the bills, I wondered what these documents are.

It was from his company. One was the monthly pay cheque. Usually they settle the payments online, I was confused.

But the second one was a peach paper with few lines written on it.


Dear Khun Fourth,

I enjoyed the coffee and pie. It was delicious.

Can I hit on you,na nong? How about a date tomorrow evening?

If your answer is a "yes" ... a heart instead of a smiley?

Miss you.

//Phi G.❄️//



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My cheeks felt numb. I felt some light fluttering inside my stomach. I pinched my blushing cheeks trying to remove the redness.

Gemini's pov

"Where is my coffee?"

"Khun the order will be delivered by 4'o clock, do you need me to-"

"Never mind"
I kept the receiver before he could finish. I released a loud sigh looking at my watch.


Finally I heard my door closing. It was here. The coffee. But now I was too scared to look at it. What if he...

But I couldn't make him wait, what if he is already waiting for me?

I looked at the cup.

Ummm... Well.... ('~')


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