Strawberry Flakes In The Middle Of Night...

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The little barista was scratching his knee under the table. P'Gemini will not really come right ? But is it okay to wish??

He had to pause his thought bubbles when he heard the footsteps near the cafe. He was wrong. His p'gemini was here.

A black polo shirt tucked under a pair of grey pants. Two buttons undone exposing his firm chest to the right amount where you could be a little delusional. Rolled up sleeves reached the elbows,revealing his veiny arms for the cooing of the audience (you) . Couple of fluffy raven flocks were arranged to fall on his forehead completing his aura. God has really taken his time making the man in front of the little boy, truly a sight to enjoy.

But Gemini could tell the same

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But Gemini could tell the same. The view in front of him was nothing less.

Fitted white shirt with pair of cream colour sweatpants. A dark blue sweater on the top, giving him the most boyish look. Gemini was grateful for the oversized sweater as he had no plans of showing off the attractive figure of his boy. His long bangs were combed down making him extra cute. He was carrying a small tote bag of cute little figures printed on it. But the two beauty marks scattered on those pretty cheeks and the slightly shaded pair of lips will be Gemini's all time favourite. Definition of Narak!

Fourth noticed the big flower bouquet in the man's hand

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Fourth noticed the big flower bouquet in the man's hand. A bunch of little Daisies. Gemini slowly stuffed his hands with the bouquet of flowers muttering a simple "For you" to him. He was only used to giving flowers to his mother, but never received any. It was such a precious thing to feel being appreciated, he thought. His heart was already skipping beats for the man in front of him, so he didn't know which words could make it further.

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