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Hi, I saw you during the basketball match... you were there to support Yoongi hyung

Kim Seokjin (Senior):

Do you know Yeonjun from class has a crush on Yoongi hyung?

Kim Seokjin (senior):
Again, and?


Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Seriously, you can give me so many indirect references but can't directly ask for help... You are weird kido

What help?

And... I am not a kid

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
whatever you say big guy

So, Is Yoongi hyung dating someone?

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Yes Mr. Not a kid

Poor Yeonjun... I feel bad for him... he was genuinely into Yoongi hyung... remember those roses on hyung's desk?

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Yeah, he sent those by borrowing money from his elder brother Taehyung, right?

I don't know... I just saw him keeping those roses and blushing like an idiot

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
look kid I am sure he must be a really nice guy but unfortunately Yoongichi's heart belongs to someone I am sure he can't live sorry buddy

True love... Why are you apologising to me? Mingyu was telling me that Yoongi hyung is a really nice guy... as a captain he is very down to earth...

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
I just felt a little bad for your friend... And yeah he is a really nice and humble person who can do anything for his loved ones but at the same time that doesn't mean he is easy to mess with because he is someone who doesn't tolerate shits

Same... that's why I like to stay away from people as much as possible...

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Can you elaborate your reason if you don't mind?

There are many reasons for it... But mainly my dad... he was an abuser so I avoided making friends for as long as I could... because when I made friends, they wanted me to join them for hangouts and when I sneaked out... he used to beat me and curse my mom... He used to blame her for everything... In middle school, I met Mingyu... He kept bugging me until I accepted his friendship... he never asked me to leave my comfort zone... and always had my back... I was still concerned but one day everything changed when I found my father dead in the living room and mom holding the knife... She did it in self-defence and was sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment... I live with Mingyu now...

Sorry... I have a habit of oversharing

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Hey it's alright....

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Do you feel better sharing it or worse?

I feel better... thank you


*No Proofread*

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