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Seokjin Hyung:
Hey kido

At least not now... Especially after that kiss..

Seokjin Hyung:
Yes you are still a kido😘

Seokjin Hyung:
And that wasn't a kiss kid... We just posed for the shoot... Kiss is way different from that.. involving lip movement and the tongue 😂

Hyung... I know how to kiss and You know what I am talking about... The kiss which Yoongi Hyung's camera couldn't capture... The one under the water... In the swimming pool

Seokjin Hyung:
I am making banana chips today. Wanna try it?

Depends... If you will give answer to my question

Seokjin Hyung:
Yeah what is it kid?

Why did you kiss me back?

Seokjin Hyung:
Do one thing bring your friends over as well...we all can have fun together

Seokjin Hyung:
And I will prepare dinner for everyone... Btw have you signed for more shoots? You should really go for more... you are quite good at it

Thank you for the suggestion... I will inform them

*No Proofread*

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