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Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Oh okay... So what are your hobbies?

I like to play video games in my free time and write poems. What about you?

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
I love cooking... trying different types of authentic cuisines and other than that...I really enjoy singing

That's cool... I like to rap and cooking is my responsibility because Mingyu can't be trusted when it comes to kitchen stuff... he has butter fingers and his clumsy ass will put the apartment on fire

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Wow... You know Namjoon is also the same...Once I told him to mix chilly powder into the curry and that dummy somehow managed to put the chillies into his eyes (sigh)... Even if that giant koala has a 148 iq... he is still a big dummy

hehe... Mingyu and Namjoon hyung do sound similar... Btw, It was strange to see you in the library today... No offence but you are always busy with other stuff so yeah

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Trust me kid even though I didn't want to be there but at the same time I need good marks to get good placement

Understandable... I also want a good job... Do you know, you have this habit of tapping your pen against your forehead when you study or think something deeply?

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Really?I never noticed....

I did today... You look cute doing that...

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Are you complimenting me?👀👀

Yeah... Is it wrong to compliment someone like you?

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
May I know what's the meaning of 'someone like me?'

Someone who is as handsome and beautiful as you

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
I mean... that's true I am pretty handsome but you aren't bad you are quite handsome (not as much as me) and fun to talk with

You are the second person to say this

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
and who's the first?

My mom

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Oh I am sure she stated the fact...

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
Btw I have a situation for you... If you have to choose between saving a human or an animal, who will you save?

Depends... Who is more valuable... Like if it's between my cat and some random human... I will save my cat... But if it is between some random stray animal and you... I will save you

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
well tell me about your dreams and what you wanna achieve in your life?

I am not too ambitious you know... I just want a simple and decent life... A house filled with happiness, a stable job, and a loving partner... I want to give all the happiness to that person my dad failed to give to my mom...

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
That's really sweet...I am sure your future partner will be really lucky to have you

What about you? What do you wanna become?

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
if I'm being honest... I don't know what I want to do with my life...I am just too lost... I don't like studying much I don't want to be a businessman but at the same time I know I don't have a choice

Oh... That's sad... But everyone has a dream, no? Like we all think that I want to be this... I want to achieve that...

Hey, sorry to cut the conversation short... Mingyu got hurt during basketball practice... Have to check on him... Bye, take care

Kim Seokjin (Senior):
No worries kido take care of your friend

*No Proofread*

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