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Hey hyung

Seokjin Hyung:
heyyy kiddo

I am standing in front of your dorm building but I just realised I don't know your dorm number

Seokjin Hyung:
It's the 2nd building room no:58 on the 3rd floor come quickly

On my way

Exactly after 10 mins, there was a knock on Seokjin's dorm room... the older male opened the door and there stood Jeon Wonwoo in all of his glory

 the older male opened the door and there stood Jeon Wonwoo in all of his glory

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With a beautiful box in his hand

With a beautiful box in his hand

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"Umm hi... this... this is for you" He stuttered in the presence of his crush… Seokjin gave him his softest smile "hey why did you waste your money like that... But thank you kitkat is my favourite" Wonwoo smiled... "It's not a waste of money if it brings smile on your face" That made him blush like crazy " yahh... Now come on in" saying that he moved a little to let him enter

Wonwoo chuckled before getting into the older's dorm apartment... "Wow, you turned this place into a beautiful home... Never visit Jun's dorm... You might get a headache" he joked while looking around the place... "You don't have a roommate?" Seokjin chuckled "No... Even though I love to be around my brats and enjoy people's company, at the same time home is a place where I can find peace and enjoy solitude"saying that he walked towards the kitchen to bring some drinks for them…

"Thank you" Wonwoo gave a small smile to the older male before a peaceful silence took place in between them... "Umm... What are we going to cook?" he asked Seokjin "whatever you want kido" Seokjin responded with a beautifully soft smile making Wonwoo's heart go crazy

"Anything you like" the younger male said, looking deep in those brown orbs he loves the most... He can't believe it's their fifth story together... Gosh, thank you authors... It actually feels like a dream...

Art: What? Self praising is important

N: *sigh*

*No Proofread*

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