30 3 3

Seokjin Hyung:
Hey, I am so sorry for not showing up yesterday

it's not like I waited for hours like a fool I am so it's alright ☺️

Seokjin Hyung:
I am so sorry... I got stuck with something urgent... please forgive me 🥺

It's alright hyung... But honestly you could have just said that you don't want to hangout with me... I wouldn't even mind it... Anyways leave it

Seokjin Hyung:
No no, it's not like that... I really wanted to hangout with you... I just got busy with some urgent work... Let's meet tomorrow? My place?

hyung it's alright... You really don't have to meet me

Seokjin Hyung:
But I want to

you sure?

Seokjin Hyung:
10000% positive

okay then see you tomorrow?

Seokjin Hyung:
Sure... tell me what you like to eat... I will make it for you

Anything will be fine... Hey how about we make the food together?

Seokjin Hyung:
Really? I would love that…

Ahhhh...I can't wait to see you tomorrow

Seokjin Hyung:
Me too... bye Kiddo

*No Proofread*

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