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Personal ATM:
I can't believe you can do this

Personal ATM:
Stop leaving me on seen you asshole... How dare you share Taehyung's picture…

Personal ATM:
You fucking bastard, son of a bitch... I Loved you... I gave all of my money to you and still for some cash you went out there and sold my brother like a friend's pictures... Do you have even a little bit of shame?

Personal ATM:
I never thought you would be such a lowlife rat... I should have believed Yoongi's words…

What are you even saying baby... I can never do anything like that... And I took your money for my mother's treatment... And about ignoring... Well I wanted to give you the taste of your own medicine by ignoring you just how you ignored me

Personal ATM:
Chan... darling come to my place... I will make it up for you... I promise and am so sorry for lashing out like this…

Chai: It's alright baby I understand... It's hard for rich people like you to trust poor people like us. That's why you put the blame on me without any evidence or anything... From now on I won't ask for a single penny even if I die out of hunger at least I will die with my pride and my self respect

Personal ATM:
I am so sorry baby 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 please forgive your Jinnie please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Personal ATM:
Please come to my place... I want to make it up to you... please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

I will come... Only and only because I love you... But yeah it might take a little while as I don't have travel expenses so I will come by foot

Personal ATM:
Thank you so much baby... I will be waiting 😘


"I have never been so cringed before" Yoongi said, watching Jungkook type those stupid texts to Chan... all of them, including Jin is seconds away from throwing up

Jin looked at Taehyung with his eyes filled with guilt " I am sorry TaeBear you had to deal with all that because of me" his voice was barely over whisper only he knows how hard he is trying to not burst out in tears…The said male hugged his precious hyungie... "It's not your fault hyung... We always knew he was a bastard" Jungkook and Jimin nodded their heads agreement making their boyfriends to facepalm themselves "Even if he was a bastard but still I shouldn't have given your picture to him... But trust me when I say I had no bad intentions doing that... I just thought he wanted to see your face... I am so sorry baby" he was trying extremely hard to not burst into tears but his own eyes betrayed him like his boyfriend by letting those tears escape from the corner of his eyes... Even if he doesn't know the actual reason behind his tears is guilt or sorrow or the disappointment he has with himself

One by one... all the other members joined the hug... making sure that Seokjin feels better... they all know their hyung can never do anything bad... not even unintentionally... Soon, there was a knock on the door and Jungkook rushed to open it... He wanted to welcome that bastard with a punch but he was shocked to see Wonwoo and Mingyu there…Jin ran towards him and held his fine hand "what the hell are you doing here? Just because your foot has healed a bit doesn't mean you can roam around like that... You still need two weeks of bed rest you idiot" Jin scolded while making him take a seat... His eyes are filled with love and concern for the younger… Yoongi and Taehyung shared a knowing look... they still need to talk about the younger's reaction but that could wait... for now what matters is Jin... they all can see the love in the oldest eyes for Wonwoo... "I am fine hyung... I was feeling bored... but you guys seem busy... We will leave" Seokjin doesn't want him to be a part of this drama but at the same time he doesn't want him to leave... He looked at his friends not knowing what to say but before anyone could say anything they heard a knock  "Oh look... the fucker is here" Jungkook said and went to open the door... Chan looked at the younger male with a raised eyebrow... clearly not expecting him to be the one to open the door... but his eyes grew wide when he saw the entire Bangtan gang and two other men in Seokjin's dorm room... But before anyone else could say something, Mingyu came forward and punched right on Chan's jaw... "You fucking asshole... I have been looking for you ever since the accident happened" All of them looked at him with shocked expressions... But this just made Jin cry harder from guilt... He can't believe how he ever loved a monster like Chan…

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