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SeokJin Hyung…

Seokjin Hyung:
Heyyyyyyyy kido how are you??

Umm hey... It's not Wonwoo... I am Mingyu

Can you come to XX Hospital? I mean I would have called Jeonghan Hyung but he is out of station and I don't know what to do😭😭😭

Seokjin Hyung:

He got into an accident... But you live in a dorm , right? You can't come until someone is there to take you


*live location shared*

Seokjin Hyung:
I sneaked out, don't worry about this... He is alright?He is conscious, right?

Nope... He is not😭😭😭😭

Seokjin Hyung:
Which floor are you on?and room no?

2nd floor... Room no 205

Seokjin came running there and saw Mingyu crying his heart out and without thinking anything he went to him and hugged him tight "Hey don't cry dear... He will be alright... He have to... Please calm down" even though he was comforting Mingyu but he couldn't help but burst into tears…"this wouldn't have happened if I accepted his request to cook at home instead of going out" Mingyu blamed himself, all he wanted was a peaceful dinner with his best friend... "I will never forgive that asshole who purposely bumped into Wonwoo hyung... As he wanted Hyung to lose his balance and stumble towards the main road... Everything happened so fast, Hyung..." He started crying even more loudly "all because of me... All because of me"

"Sushhhhhh... Don't say that.... It wasn't your fault... " He broke the hug and wiped Mingyu's tears "See that situation wasn't in our or anyone's hand... But what is in our hand is to pray... So let's pray for his speedy recovery alright?" Mingyu nodded his head while still sobbing hard…

After 15 mins, the doctor walked out of the room "Guardians of Jeon Wonwoo" Both Seokjin and Mingyu looked at each other before they ran towards the doctor "it's he alright?" Mingyu asked while Seokjin crossed his first two fingers praying for his well being "Yeah... He is out of danger now... Will wake up soon" the doctor said with a reassuring smile

They both let out a sigh of relief... "Can we meet him?" Seokjin asked to which the doctor nodded in agreement and left…They walked in the room and saw Wonwoo lay unconscious on the crisp white sheets of the hospital bed... His face was covered in scratches and white bandage on his forehead, evidence of the trauma he had endured... The steady beeping of monitors was a reassuring constant as they monitored his vitals, casting an eerie glow across his peaceful yet fragile countenance... His one hand was casted and there was another White Open Weave Bandage covering Wonwoo's right foot

Their hearts broke into millions of pieces seeing his condition... Mingyu again started crying his heart out while Jin was trying his best to console him but at the same time his heart was aching... Even though he hasn't known the younger one for too long, Wonwoo had already made his place in Jin's heart that a day without talking to him feels incomplete "Shushhh stop crying dear... He is alright now... Please you have to be strong for him" he said while rubbing Mingyu's back to make him feel better..They sat there, shedding silent tears... Mingyu was continuously praying for Wonwoo to wake up... While Jin was looking at the younger's face with many emotions... That's when his phone buzzed with a notification...

Chan: Where are you baby?

Seokjin was going to reply but a soft beep drew their attention to the heart monitor... Wonwoo stirred, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal dazed and unfocused eyes... Mingyu and Seokjin moved closer, reassuring the beacon in Wonwoo's groggy consciousness... "Mingyu, call the doctor" the said male nodded and ran out of the room...

"Hey Kiddo, you're in the hospital. You've been in an accident, but you're in good hands," Seokjin said gently, his voice a soothing melody in the midst of the younger's confusion...

Tears welled in Wonwoo's eyes as the reality of his situation began to dawn on him... The hospital room, Seokjin's concerned face but a reassuring smile provided an anchor, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there was a glimmer of hope…Seokjin immediately wiped his tears then softly caressed his hair "You are my strong kido right?then please don't cry...I am here for you" Wonwoo smiled and again closed his eyes feeling the gentle touch of his lover... Even when his entire body is aching these gentle strokes on his hair is more than enough to put him in ease

Maybe one day he will gather the courage to confess... One day... Hopefully...

*No Proofread*

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