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Jinnie Hyungie: what are you even saying baby you know our Yoongi can never do such a thing

Jinnie Hyungie: Tell me in details what happened exactly

TaeBear: 3 days ago, I was hanging out with Kookie and MinMin... I went to use the restroom when 2 middle aged men walked up to me and started harassing me... One of them even asked my charges

Jinnie Hyungie: What the are you alright? Then what happened??

TaeBear: When I protest... they said my boyfriend sends my pictures to them

TaeBear: I wasn't ready to believe them but then they showed me the picture only Yoongi hyung had which wasn't posted anywhere

Jinnie Hyungie: Which picture was it,baby?


TaeBear: This one

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This one

I hate Yoongi hyung so much


Jinnie Hyungie:
no no no no.... This can't be... Taehyung be on my place right now

I don't want to leave... they will find me


Jinnie Hyungie:
Baby I am extremely sorry you have to go through all this because of me…

Jinnie Hyungie:
Baby I am sending Yoongi to pick you up... Please come to my place asap

No no... not him... not him

Jinnie Hyungie:
Yoongi hasn't done anything... He can never do anything like that... Baby you have been dating him for the past 3 years do you really think he can do something as cheap as this?


Jinnie Hyungie:
Exactly... I am sending him to pick you up... I am so so soooooooooooooo sorry baby….

Why are you apologising hyungie... It's not your fault…

Jinnie Hyungie:
It is….

*No Proofread*

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