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Hyung... I know it is not my place to ask but... Yesterday, when we were talking you said there is around 100k won

Yeah actually Chan's mother is extremely sick and he urgently needs the money... So I just transferred whatever I had with me

Hyung... I understand that his mother is sick and I wish for her speedy recovery but he asks for money every month... I understand that as a partner you really care about his well-being but still

Jin Hyung:
He must be in need,Yoongichii or why else will anyone ask for anything... You know he was hella guilty about asking it... He even wanted to refund it back but I stopped him

How much did you give him?

Jin Hyung:
I won't tell... I have this feeling that you will start scolding me after that (pout)

Baby... How much did you give him?

Jin Hyung:

*200k transferred successfully*

Before you say something, this is not a favour... I want you to model for my next 10 photoshoots... 😘

Also, you never take any money from me for all the time you have been modelling for me... Stop doing favours hyung

Jin Hyung:
Yoongichii... I can't take this... It's your hard earned money and about modelling I do it for fun... Please I am refunding it back if I genuinely need the money I will ask for it by myself alright?

Nope... I am not taking it... It is my hard earned money that I got from the shoots... You are the reason why I earn so much... Please baby🥺

Jin Hyung:
You know I can't say no to you, that's why you always do that... Meanie

And I thought this '🥺' emoji has some power... Hehe... But seriously though... Stop doing favours... I hope you understand what I am trying to say...

Jin Hyung:
Yeah yeah now you do me a favour and get your ass here as soon as possible... You have to help me prepare the feast for our little brats

I am already here... Open the door 😘

*No Proofread*

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