Avengers : Part 1

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though, a year has passed. you're only able to recreate 0,1% Uru. The good part is, you think you've gotten the hang of making metal, which is all you care about.

Anyways, you spend most of the day working your forge. satisfying customers on a weekly basis. You also make weapons, tools and other insane stuff for the military.

then, on a lazy weekend. a knock on your door disturbs it.

*knock knock knock*

(Y/N) : "we're closed on the weekends!"


There was another knock, louder than ever. you groaned a little as you stood up. walking outside, you saw Nick Fury.

(Y/N): "ah great, you again"

reluctantly, you open the door and let him in. He walks right in, while you close the door behind him.

Fury : "remember that hammer you studied a year ago?"

(Y/N) : "yea Mjolnir, the one made from Uru. in fact, I was able to make a replica of it. well... a 0,1% of it though... "

Fury got confused and amazed, well, you think he did. so, you pointed at the metal which you placed near your circuit breaker.

(Y/N) : "I use it to power up the forge. 0,1% of it can power up a voltage by 4 Million.  It's extremely powerful."

Fury : "if that's 0,1... what can the original one do?"

(Y/N) : "to put it simple. it can change the amount of voltage in a human body into that of lightning...."

Fury looks at you then gives you a folder.

Fury : "then i'm sure you'll be interested in this"

Skimming through the folder, Fury explains more.

Fury : "Thors brother, Loki came to earth and caused havoc. How did he do so? He had a weapon, one made of metal. we want you to help us analyse it."

(Y/N) : "only the handle of the staff looks metallic, i can't tell what the blue thing is"

Fury : "we have someone else to help with that"

You look at him confused and he continues

Fury : "We are willing to pay a lot for it."

(Y/N) : "that's my kind of language. When are we leaving?"

Fury : "right now"

you chuckle then grab some stuff for your travels.


After taking a car, then a helicopter, you arrive at a Helicarrier. Fury leads you to the main deck where you meet up with a couple of people.

Fury : "(Y/N), meet Natasha, Bruce and-"

(Y/N) : "Captain America..."

Steve : "please, call me Steve"

he extends his hand and you shake it. just like the others.

Natasha : "Gentlemen, you may wanna step inside in a minute. It's gonna get a little hard to breathe."

Steve : "Is this a submarine?"

Bruce : "Really? They wanted me in a submerged pressurised metal container?"

Everyone walks to the edge and sees that the Helicarrier has rotor blades.

Bruce : "oh no, this is much worse"

Forge (Avengers x Male Blacksmith Reader) Where stories live. Discover now