What if... (Y/N) went to Asgard? : Part 4, Endgame

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It's been 2 years since you've killed Thanos. Hela is slowly understanding Earth's culture. She is slowly growing close to you.

on a day where your shop isn't busy. Hela is wearing a casual outfit and comes down to your Forge. She stands behind you and watches you work.

She's watching, fascinated by the process you're doing. you're making something...

You turn around to look at her.

(Y/N) : "Is there something that you need, Hela?"

HELA: "It's nothing...just admiring. Your ability is amazing"

you hum and reach over and grab a drink.

HELA: "Can I ask a question?"

You nod.

HELA: "It's been 2 years ever since I've been with you. I've learned a lot about earth's customs. but what I don't understand is why you haven't proposed to me..."

you freeze at her question.

HELA : "from what I understand, on Earth. you're supposed to propose to me. Am I not the one for you...? "

your breath hitches in your throat. you feel tears welling in your eyes.

HELA : "Is it something I said...? I'm sorry (Y/N)..."

(Y/N) : "no no! it's just that... you're a Goddess, a beautiful one at that, and i'm just... a Human... "

HELA: "I consider you an equal to my own. you could have proposed to me any time you wanted..."

(Y/N) : "I... haven't found a perfect ring for you... "

Hela leans her head, confused at your statement.

(Y/N) : "I just haven't found a ring that fits you. the ones that people sell don't exactly fit you... "

Hela : "then... why didn't you make one yourself?"

(Y/N) : "I want to, but I don't know what to make it with.
Uru is too weak...
Hell-Steel... would be too weird to use... "

Hela : "what about Asgardium! i have some... i hope it's enough..."

Hela grabs a small metal bar from her necklace and hands it to you.

you grab it and notice that it's made from Asgardium.

(Y/N) : "what... how?"

Hela : "back when we were at Nidavellir. I was able to grab this piece from the mould of your wrist rings."

you smile at her words, she truly has fallen for you.

Hela : "is... is it enough...?"

(Y/N) : "enough? Hela, this is more than enough! Come on, let's melt it down!"

you run off to the Forge, place the metal into the furnace. Hela could only smile at finally seeing your excitement.


The Forge has been significantly less busy. you get to laze around inside while Hela usually waits by the shop.

Today, you have a visitor. a visitor that Hela talked to instead.

Steve : "Hela, we need to talk to (Y/N)"

Hela : "he's busy"

Natasha : "really? i don't hear any metal work"

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