Endgame : Part 1

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After the snap, you never had any energy to go back to the Forge. Thankfully, your security measures can keep it safe.

a loud rumbling happens from outside You, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, And Natasha Romanov watch

a flying woman guides the ship to the ground.

Behind them, PEPPER POTTS walks up to the group.

Steve races up as NEBULA helps Tony down the ramp.

TONY : "I couldn't stop him."

STEVE: "Neither could we."

TONY: "I lost the kid."

STEVE: "Tony... We...lost..."

TONY : " Is Pepper...?"

Just then, Pepper Potts throws herself into Tony's arms.

PEPPER POTTS: "Stay here, you stay right here"

TONY: "I'm not going anywhere."

(Y/N) : "come on... let's get you inside... "


a holo-display rotating through faces of people we've lost:

Wanda. Vision. Bucky. T'challa. Maria Hill.

RHODEY: "It's been twenty-three days since Thanos came to Earth. "

TONY, weak, sits in a hi-tech wheelchair, IV dripping into his arm. He stares, taking in the loss:

Sam Wilson. Secretary Ross. Sharon Carter. Scott Lang. Hope Van Dyne. Hank Pym. Nick Fury.

At Fury, Carol bites back emotion.

NATASHA : "World governments are in pieces, as you can imagine. But the parts that still work are trying to take a census. It looks like he did what he said he was going to do. "

Jane Foster. Erik Selvig. Wong. Dr. Strange. The Barton Family. Quill. Drax. Mantis. Groot. Peter Parker.

Finally, Tony looks away. RHODEY turns it off.

NATASHA : "Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all the living creatures on Earth.

CAROL DANVERS : "Not just Earth. "

RHODEY: "You sure about that?"

(Y/N) : "why would he only attack Earth..."

TONY : "Where is he now? "

STEVE : "We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through. "

Tony looks out to see...THOR on the patio.

TONY : "What's his deal? "

ROCKET : " He's pissed."

Tony turns to see Rocket for the first time.

ROCKET : "He thinks he failed. Which, of course, he did. But there's a lot

of that going around, ain't there? "

TONY : "honestly, it was until this second, I literally thought you were a Build-a-Bear."

Rocket : "maybe i am..."

(Y/N) : "you're a Raccoon, Rocket..."

Rocket : "for the last time (Y/N), i'm not a Raccoon"

STEVE: "We've been hunting Thanos for three weeks - deep space scans, satellites - we got nothing.

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