What if... (Y/N) went to Asgard? : Part 5, Endgame

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You're at the Avengers HQ and the Quantum platform everyone looks around to see all the recovered stones.

BRUCE BANNER: "Did we get them all?"

RHODEY: "You telling me this'll actually work?"

(Y/N) : "well... better believe it"

There's a pause as everyone starts to realise someone is missing and you realise that Hela looks different.

BRUCE BANNER: "Clint, where's Nat?"

The silence from Clint tells them all they need to know.

The mission was completed but at a dire cost. Sadness overtakes everyone. Bruce falls to his knees and pounds the floor in grief.

you walk off the platform and signal Hela to follow you.


you bring Hela towards the kitchen.

Hela : "what is it dear? shouldn't you be grieving with your friends?"

(Y/N) : "I'm tired of Grieving... I'm tired of Mourning... "

Hela figures out a way to reply, though it's a risk.

Hela : "I... I think you should mourn, but... you shouldn't be sad-"

(Y/N) : "What!? my friend died and you think i shouldn't be sad!?"

Hela : "no! it's just that... it's just that... well..."

(Y/N) : "Well?"

Hela : "I want to see you smile again, (Y/N)... because I saw you do it on our wedding day."

You look shocked, Hela is right. You were smiling for the whole ceremony.

Hela : "and I... and I miss that... I miss seeing you smiling like that again."

You look deeply into Helas eyes before pulling her into a hug and kissing her hard on the mouth.

Hela : "Wha.... What was that for?"

(Y/N): "you want me to smile right? I want you to smile too"

Hela pulls back as you both start laughing.

Hela : "Are you sure we're really meant to be together?"

(Y/N): "We're always gonna be."


inside the Lab, You, Tony, Bruce and Rocket wait for the stones to be placed into your gauntlet.

Tony : "Are you sure this would work?"

(Y/N) : "Are you really doubting my skills?"

Tony : "touché..."

Tony carefully places the stones in the gauntlet he made while Bruce and Rocket watches. With nervous precision, Tony manipulates the machine and carefully places all six stones into the gauntlet

ROCKET: "Boom!"

Tony and Bruce jump a bit, and quickly groan at Rocket's joke.

(Y/N) : "yea... I'm not falling for that... "


with the new finished gauntlet. Everyone is gathered around it.

ROCKET: "All right. The glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?"

THOR: "I'll do it."

Forge (Avengers x Male Blacksmith Reader) Where stories live. Discover now