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𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 : 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖘

              ❝How is our Sid?❞ They surrounded the doctor who stepped out from the operating room in which Siddharth was taken in after they brought him to their own, private hospital wing. Vaishnavi, Avneet, Faisu, Jannat and Sumedh reach there as well after sometime after learning about Siddharth's condition.

❝Is he fine, Doctor? Please, say something.❞ Vaishnavi almost plead, her tears threatening to fall as Avneet held her shoulders, keeping her still and trying to calm her.
❝Let him speak, Vaishu.❞ Sumedh stepped on her left side, all seven looking at the doctor, waiting for his response.

❝You all should calm down. Siddharth is fine. He did lose some blood but luckily we had a matching blood supply. So, he's out of danger for now.❞ A rush of relief went down each of their spine, Anushka and Jannat literally hugging each other with wide smiles; Faisu side hugging Riyaz beside him.

❝But he's still unconscious. It will take some time for him to wake up. Till then, I suggest you to let him rest.❞ The doctor suggested as Vaishnavi gave a nod of acknowledgement, watching as the doctor left them alone.

❝Thank god, Our Siddhu is fine.❞ Avneet whispered beside Vaishnavi who slowly wiped her own  tears before facing the rest.
❝Now tell me, how did this all happened?❞ She demanded, looking straight at Riyaz, Anushka and Avneet who glanced at each other, pressing their lips together when Riyaz tried to speak ― being cut off instantly when Vikram stepped in the frame; taking all of their attention.

❝Ishaan and his friends went missing.❞

❝WHAT?!❞ Avneet, Anushka and Riyaz yelled at his face who didn't even flinched, standing still with his usual bore look.
❝Avu… what's going on?❞ Glancing back at Vaishnavi and the others, Anushka decided to speak up.

❝Vaishu Di, Only thing that we know is that Ishaan and his friends always used to bully Riyaz and Siddharth stood up against him.❞ Riyaz decided to take the lead from there.

❝Today when he challenged Sid and he kicked Ishaan in the face, he and his friends dragged Siddhu with them into an old store room and tried to drug him.
When we reached there, Sid was bleeding on the floor, almost unconscious.❞ Riyaz completed, Anushka standing beside him, facing Vaishnavi who seemed to be in some deep thoughts.

❝You guys were at the canteen, right?❞ The three nodded at her unexpected question.
❝Then how come you knew what was happening with Sid? And how come Vikram reached outside the college at the same time when you guys found Siddharth?❞ She looked between the three figures and at Vikram who finally had some change of expressions on his face.

❝We got a message… from an unknown.❞ Avneet responded, showing her phone to the taller girl who inspected the context on the screen before looking up at Riyaz and Anushka who gave a nod of confirmation, showing their phones as well; the same message on each of their screens.

❝And Vikram?❞ They all looked at the tall male who slowly pulled his phone out; playing out a video of Siddharth and the other five males when they had held Siddharth tightly in their holds while Ishaan was trying to inject the serum inside his body.

❝I got this video and I knew something was wrong. That's why, I reached the college and before I could actually step inside the college grounds, I saw them running out with Siddharth in their arms.❞ Vikram explained as everyone now looked at Vaishnavi with silence.

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