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𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 : 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖐𝖊𝖗

         Abhishek sat on the end corner of the bed, keeping a needed distance between him and Siddharth sitting in front of him. His own hood completely pushed back. His fair features out on full display for the younger one to see.

❝I know you won't hurt me.❞  Siddharth started with confidence which slowly faded as he shrinked a little in his place under Abhishek’s unintentional sharp stance.
❝… right?❞ His voice coming out low and squeaky. Abhishek couldn't help but break out a smile. His Ashu looked too innocent and pure at this moment. Only if he could just take him away from this cruel world and keep him hidden from every evil entity who wants to harm him.

❝I won't hurt you.❞ He assured, his voice low as well but held a sort of warmth that caused the younger one to relax, unknowingly. Siddharth visibly relaxed his muscles, slowly moving a little closer to the red hooded male who remained still in his place.

❝Back then, in the college, why did you save me?❞ Siddharth asked the question whose answer was difficult for Abhishek to give. He gulped, looking away from the younger one as he hesitated to answer. Siddharth kept looking at him, waiting for the needed response.
❝Tell me, Red.❞ The unintended nickname rolled off Siddharth's lips that sent a giddy feeling through Abhishek’s whole frame.

❝I just want to protect you.❞ Abhishek confessed, a half truth. Soon, he'll confess the whole, too.
Siddharth stayed silent, staring at the unknown yet so much familiar male in front of him before his bruised lips slowly curved up into a soft smile.

❝I knew it. You're like those heroes who comes to rescue the one in danger, right?❞ There was excitement in his voice, a childish spark as he looked at the elder. Abhishek released a soft chuckle, his own eyes sparkling — not with excitement but with overflowing emotions that threaten to come out as tears.

❝Mostly won't consider me a hero, Ash– Siddharth.❞ Abhishek instantly managed to cover up the sudden slip of his tongue. He needs to take things slow.
❝I'm more like a Villain to them.❞ He didn't know why he said that but he was glad that he did.
❝I like villains. They are really cool.❞ Siddharth responded, his demeanor dissolving from dull to a lively one.

Abhishek laughed, an air-y one.
❝So, does that mean you like me too?❞ That was an unexpected question that took Siddharth off guard, his face flushed pink due to slight embarrassment. Abhishek cursed at himself internally. He couldn't understand what has gotten into him all of a sudden. He's surely making a fool out of himself in front of his brother.

❝Maybe, a little bit.❞ Siddharth smiled, showing fingers; his thumb placed a little lower on his index finger. Abhishek relaxed a bit, his smile growing wide.
❝I'm glad.❞ The silence seeped in between them for the second time. None of them said another word, just sitting there and looking at one another.

Abhishek had to keep a better control over himself so he won't do something that will literally ruin everything. By this interaction of his with the younger one, he was sure that the things won't be too complicated as he had originally thought before but he still needed to be cautious. He can't risk anything. Nothing.

❝Red,❞ Siddharth whispered after sometime. ❝Can I ask you something?❞ Abhishek ushered him with a small nod to go on. Siddharth hesitated, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. He looked down on his lap, trying to gather up some courage to speak.

❝What’s wrong?❞ Abhishek questioned with evident concern.
Siddharth glanced back at him, finally deciding to speak.
❝Actually, I just wanted to ask you if you would he—❞ Before he could even complete his sentence, the watch on Abhishek's wrist started beeping, causing both of their attention to fall on it.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 ┃ 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐊Where stories live. Discover now