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𝖙𝖊𝖓 : 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖐𝖊𝖗

          Abhishek wanted nothing more but to skin alive the woman right then and there when he found out that she blackmailed Siddharth into performing out for herself.

Abhishek knew very well what the man could do to whom Siddharth was sent to. He can't just sit there and watch his brother get hurt. He will personally rip Avantika into shreds if a single piece of hair on Siddharth was touched by that filthy man.

❝Bantu― Speed Up!❞ He yelled from the backseat. Surabhi beside him while Samriddhi was on the passenger seat beside Bantu who was driving the car, accelerating the speed every now and then.

❝Sam, Did you contact Vikram?❞ Surabhi asked from the back seat as her sister shook her head.
❝No. I'm trying but he's not picking up.❞

Abhishek grew more tense in the backseat. The area Siddharth was sent in was way more dangerous. He was somewhat angry at Vikram as well as for not informing him about Avantika’s plan earlier.

All the three were busy with their own worries and trying to contact Vikram that none of them noticed the string of curses escaping Bantu’s lips at the thought of not being able to reach out to the mentioned male earlier.

His knuckles turned white around the steering wheel as he sped up again with only one thought in his mind.

Where the fuck are you, Vikram? You better fuckin' not be dead.❜

          Abhishek literally jumped out of the car before it even came to a proper halt and dashed towards the old building that looked abandoned to an outsiders’ eyes but he knew better.

He ignored the calls of the twins after him and just dashed inside. He needed to find his Ashu at any point.

Bantu was right beside Abhishek as they stood in front of the slightly ajar door of the building. The twins were back in the car as they weren't allowed to engage in any physical activities such as fighting and violence.

Pulling his red hood up on his face, Abhishek turned to glance at Bantu who already had his gun out, prepared. With an understanding nod being shared between them, Abhishek kicked the door down and both males dashed inside, all on alert.

…but what they witnessed inside wasn't what they ever saw coming.

        Abhishek dropped the hood back as he and Bantu stared ahead at the heaps of lifeless bodies on the floor, blood splashed everywhere. But it wasn't what left them speechless. It was the scene ahead, in the middle of the barely lit room.

With the supposed Minister's son; the child molester beaten up badly and tied up in the corner, Siddharth and Vikram sat in the middle with two little kids around the age of ten or eleven. Siddharth was engaged in playing with the kids along with Vikram; his attempt at making the kids feel at ease.

Abhishek was relieved to see his Ashu all fine and in good spirits. Even Bantu let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Vikram playfully engaged with the kids. The sight of Vikram handling the kids with so much affection and gentleness, sparked something inside Bantu who couldn't help but smile at the endearing sight in front of them.

They both stood like that until Siddharth finally noticed their presence. A side smile appeared on his face as his hazel eyes met with Abhishek’s light one. And as an instinct, the little one stood up and ran over to the red cloaked male, jumping up in his arms and hugging him tightly.

RED!!!❞ Siddharth beamed, wrapping his arms around Abhishek's neck while his legs were locked around the male's waist. The elder was startled by the sudden show of affection from the younger one but he soon overcame his shock and held the younger one tightly in his embrace, afraid to let go.

❝Are you okay? Did they hurt you?❞ Abhishek asked after Siddharth let go of him and stood back on his feet on the ground, the wide smile not leaving his fair face ever.

❝I'm fine, Red.❞ He grinned before looking at Vikram and pulling him closer, linking his arm with the taller male.
❝Vicky was there to save me.❞ Siddharth was smiling like an innocent bean while Vikram was visibly gulping in fear, praying for his life when he noticed the sharp glare of Abhishek on him; right where Siddharth had his arms locked with his.

He tried to pull his arm back but damn, the little minx held onto him more tightly. Vikram sighed and played along when he noticed a spark of dissatisfaction in Bantu's eyes. With an amused smile, he looked at Siddharth who sneakily winked at him.

Guess, things were going to be a little more fun from now on.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 ┃ 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐊Where stories live. Discover now