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𝖘𝖎𝖝 : 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜

             Siddharth walked with the rest surrounding him, almost covering him as all eight of them made their way inside the big mansion which gave a picture of a castle more than a mansion. Siddharth stayed close to Avneet and Sumedh on either side of him while Vaishnavi was ahead of him. Anushka and Jannat on her left and right while Riyaz and Faisu were behind Siddharth.

The eight followed Vikram towards the certain room, taking a right turn from further inside the main hall and walking down the hallway with seven to nine armed men guarding the area, the eight reached to the end of the long hallway; standing in front of the big metal, computerized operating doors.

Without speaking a word, Vikram pressed his thumb on the thumbpad scanner beside the door as slowly the door started to open, revealing a darkened path. Vikram motioned for the eight figures to step inside.

Vaishnavi was the first to step forward while the rest, hesitantly, followed her actions. Once everyone crossed the border line of the door, Vikram let it close behind the Nightshades.

Once in, Siddharth felt the anxiety cripple underneath his skin as they all walked through the barely lit pathway, reaching down to the basement area. There was another door to the end. Vaishnavi stared at the rusty metal handle before glancing nervously at others behind her.

From his side, Siddharth noticed Avneet giving a firm nod to Vaishnavi as she finally reached out for the handle and pulled it back before releasing it. A weird, startling sound was heard before the already present lights flickered around them. Another loud thump and the door opened, leading them into a bright room.

The eight figures, nervously, entered, meeting with an all white room, one or two big portraits of abstract art decorating the side and front wall from the door. One mannequin standing beside the big, glass window from where you could have a perfect view of the wide area of the outer world.

The white as a pearl like couches were seated in the middle of the room, a table in between them, facing the wide glass window.

The eight stepped into the light, looking at the lady sitting on one couch which faced directly to the window. A cup of coffee in her skinny and long hands as she slipped from it. Her bright red lipstick being the only thing standing out in that hold room. She was wearing a black, silk-material Saree with wide decorative designs on it.

Her long, jet black hairs were neatly brushed down. Her skin was fair as snow. Light hint of wrinkles on her neck and hands but face was clean. Not a single line of age.

Mistress...❞ Vaishnavi voiced out, all eight of the standing up straight while the rush of anxiety mixed with fear was making their body shiver uncontrollably.

The woman placed the cup down on the table in front of her before slowly rising up from her seat. Still not turning to look at the eight figures, she walked straight over to the glass window and stared out of it, at the backside forest view of her castle.

❝We are here to talk about something important.❞ Vaishnavi acted bravely and stepped forward, her voice a little loud and steady. The tall and lean woman kept her back facing to them, not sparing a single glance to their direction.

Siddharth had pressed his whole frame against the wall, hiding entirely behind Avneet who had held his hand in her own, her thumb brushing over the soft skin of he younger; an attempt to keep the panicking male, calm.

I don't feel good about this, Avu.❞ Siddharth whispered right beside the girl who was also trying to keep herself calm.
Relax, Sid. Vaishu will handle everything. Nothing bad will happen, okay? Just relax. Breathe.❞ She whispered back, pulling Siddharth behind her more. She side elbowed Sumedh beside her, averting his attention on her.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 ┃ 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐊Where stories live. Discover now