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𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 : 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖐𝖊𝖗

            He tapped the fingers on the surface of the table while being seated in his office. His eyes closed as he had his head rested back with the chair’s headrest when the door opened, catching his attention.

Abhishek looked at Bantu who's whole demeanor was disturbed. He looked worried, concerned and afraid.

❝What is it?❞ He simply asked, keeping his voice calm. Bantu hesitated, taking off his glasses, rubbing his eyes and putting them back on.
❝Avantika striked again.❞ Abhishek's muscles tensed but he remained physically unaffected.

❝And?❞ He motioned for the standing male to continue. Bantu walked forward, sitting in front of the light hazel eyed male who didn't even blink.
❝She injected Siddharth with the NeurofadeX.❞ His eyes were stern and face stone cold. His fingers curled into a fist as he stared at a concerned Bantu.

❝We need to do something, Abhi. Otherwise, you will lose Sid forever.❞ Bantu flinched when Abhishek slammed his fists on the table, getting up as he glared daggers at the sitting male's frame.
❝I will not lose him. I will get back my brother. Doesn't matter if I have to go to extreme measures. I will bring my Ashu back, no matter what.❞

❝Then, what are we gonna do?❞ Bantu asked as Abhishek slowly straightened his posture, taking sharp breaths to calm himself down.

❝It's time for Surabhi and Samriddhi to take the next step.❞ Bantu frowned before the realization dawned upon him. A known smirk found its way up his lips as he shared a knowing look with Abhishek.

❝I'll inform them about it.❞ Bantu said, getting up from his seat and exiting the room, leaving Abhishek alone; clouded by his own thoughts.

Once Bantu was gone, Abhishek walked over to the side window of his room and stared out at the dark, night view of Mumbai city. He shut his tightly upon trying to imagine the pain his Siddharth had to go through because of Avantika.

He bumped his fist against the sidewall as rage filled in through his veins. He won't sit back. He will make her pay for even deciding to lay a damn finger on his brother. He will make her regret even existing. He will make her suffer every pain she had put Siddharth through.

Just wait n’ watch, Avantika. I'll be the worst nightmare you've ever had.❞

               With his red hood draped over his head and hands stuffed down in his pants pockets, he strolled down the streets. Passing through the dark and silent alleyways until he was out on an abandoned forest area.

He kept walking, not stopping for even a second until he was a little far outside a certain mansion. Various, big and bulky men, handsomely dressed in black suits, were guarding outside the mansion.

Abhishek slowly pulled the hood back as he stared at the building. Almost all the lights were out except for one, barely lit and flickering one that he could point out from the backside window of the room at the, probably, third floor of the mansion.

Abhishek stayed hidden in the shadows, not moving an inch when he felt his phone vibrating in the inside pocket of his red cloak. Pulling it out, he glanced at the caller ID before contemplating whether to answer it or not. After letting it vibrate/ring for almost five times, he finally picked it up.

Finally―!❞ Bantu’s voice fell over his ears from the other side of the phone.
Where are you, Abhi? It's past midnight.❞ Surabhi’s concerned voice followed right after Surabhi's.
Where did you disappear to without informing us?❞

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 ┃ 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐊Where stories live. Discover now