Ain't no sunshine

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By the third morning since Crowley's life had lost all meaning, he had to find some place to stay other than his car. The last few days had been spent draining bars and driving extremely fast and quite recklessly. Several times it was only Bentley that pulled the wheel to avoid a head on collision. Crowley could not take another day in his car, though.

The car occasionally turning itself yellow and emitting the smell of orange candies was bad enough, but the radio refused to play anything other than that song from the 70s, "Ain't No Sunshine." It's an awful reminder to his current state but also if Crowley has to hear Bill Withers one more time he might blow up the car.

The only place Crowley could think of was his old apartment. Shax is no longer an operative on earth. She's actually running hell now so the flat should be vacant. Crowley is right in this sense. The flat is exactly as he left it. Shax must not have had any interest in earthly objects.

Crowley leaves his plants and ever-growing liquor bottle collection in the Bentley. Crowley use to care about his plants but nothing's worth caring about anymore. They can wither away as well for all he cares.

He has one box to bring in. It only has a few things- some clothing articles, cologne, a few extra pairs of glasses and a watch- that sort of stuff. The only thing out of place is a is a yellow wildflower. It's been preserved in a small resin frame. Crowley tosses the box on his bed with little care and empties his pockets on the kitchen island.

The demon passes out on his couch fully clothed. The last few days had been rough on Crowley. Drunkenness takes a lot of energy to do correctly.

Upon waking, he wastes no time searching for another drink. There's not a drop anywhere in his flat. Shax wasn't the worse, as far as demons go, but she had no fun.

It's very odd to be back in his apartment. It looks extremely bare without the foliage. He never realized how grey everything he owns is. The flat is much better for him than the car. There are practically no memories of his angel here. Aziraphale never did want to enter "the devil's den" as he called it. It never bothered Crowley, he quite enjoyed going to the book shop and really never cared for his place anyways.

His mouth tastes bitter and dry. Nope, if a hangover catches him it'll be the mother of all hangovers. It's time to get a drink. Off instinct he grabs his keys and phone but decides to put both back. He's not taking the car and the only person he ever calls is too important for him now. Crowley never walks anywhere but he's not getting back in that blessed car.

Hi readers! Thanks for giving my story a try. This is the first fanfic I've ever written so I hope I don't mess it up! Please let me know what you think in the comments. I want to know what you guys like and don't like. Anyways, thank you and enjoy!

P.s. I don't know if it's clear or not but any italicized text is whichever character's thoughts.

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