Bathroom floor activities

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Disclaimer: this chapter contains blood.

Aziraphale helps Crowley sit on the toilet seat. He gets the first aid kit out of the cabinet and hands it to the demon. "Okay, um-" Zira doesn't know what to do now. "I think you should wash up first. I'd miracle you clean but- I've concealed the shop and too many miraculous activities could tip us off." Crowley nods in agreement. "Well- uh- I'll just leave you to it."

Crowley grabs the base of his ragged shirt and attempts to pull it off. About halfway up the fabric pulls on his skin. "Fuck!" He tries to force it off but the shirt tears before unsticking. "Ahhh, fuck. Shit," he says to himself. He looks around and huffs. "Aziraphale?" He calls.

The answer comes from right outside the room, "is everything okay?"

Crowley's face heats up. "I- I need a hand. Will you come in h-" the door opens before he can finish. "I can't get it." Crowley looks so tired.

Aziraphale wets a rag and washes as much dried blood away as he can. He's able to get Crowley's shirt off with patience. Crowley is having a hard time keeping his body upright. Aziraphale knows he won't be able to fix himself up but it has to be done.

"Crowley, I'm going to help you with the rest." Zira starts by removing Crowley's boots. His right one is soaked with blood. "I'm going to need to get the pants off too." His face grows red. Together the two manage to get the jeans off without too much difficulty. Zira takes a strip of Crowley's shirt and ties it around his leg. This should've been done earlier but the angel didn't know the extent of the wound.

He starts to panic and wraps bandages around the ankle frantically. Crowley screams in pain and grips onto Zira's shoulder. "Dear this is bad. I can't let you deal with this. I can preform one miracle." The angel lays hands but nothing happens. The bandages grow red.

"Hell hound," Crowley says. Zira looks stressed. There's something in hell hound saliva that makes their bites resistant to healing miracles. The angel goes back to wrapping. He has to get the bleeding to stop. It's all he can do for now. "Maybe you could get some more blood in me," Crowley suggests, "you have wooden spoons in the kitchen?" Aziraphale nods. "Go get them. This needs to be set."

It's a good idea and it works, enough. After the setting is finished and the miraculous blood transfusion Crowley feels much better. Aziraphale also brought ibuprofen which Crowley took about 10 of. Zira takes a clean rag and wipes Crowley's torso and arms. They sit in silence but both are deep in thought- something along the lines of Crowley being practically naked and Aziraphale kneeling in between his legs.

Those thoughts sour for Aziraphale as he cleans a particularly nasty wound on the demon's chest. Aziraphale realizes that he didn't ask how exactly this happened. "Crowley?" The demon look at him. "What even happened?"

"How do you mean?" Crowley doesn't understand. "In hell. I- I had to fight my way out. I'm only so wiley. Good thing you got yourself out cause I was caught on not long before getting to you."

Aziraphale stops cleaning and looks at Crowley shocked, "wait. You were in hell? When? Just now? To get to me? I don't understand."

Crowley lets out a little laugh and smiles. "What you really thought hell would be that easy to get out of? I had half the place filling out paper work in my office!"

Aziraphale blushes, "well other than your trail I've never been to hell before." He doesn't understand what Crowley meant by "his office" but he's too distracted by Crowley's smile. It's so nice to be in each other's company again.

Aziraphale goes back to cleaning. He doesn't have his vest, coat, or bow tie on. While he's knelt down Crowley can see into his button-down shirt.

Ever since the first kiss Zira has discovered a new hunger. It was like the ox rib all over again. It was a white hot feeling that filled his gut unlike any hunger he's known.

Crowley decides to be brave. He runs his hand through the angels hair. The angel freezes. That feeling again. Zira looks up and meets Crowley's yellow eyes. The demon cups the angel's face with his cold hand.

This time it's Aziraphale who kisses Crowley. He puts his hands on the demon's hips. Crowley wraps his arms around Zira's shoulders. The 2 touched-starved beings fully give into everything they've been bottling up. Aziraphale pulls Crowley closer. He doesn't resist. The demon is already on the edge of his seat. He topples over onto Zira. They end up on the bathroom floor.

Aziraphale's desires have the reigns. He pulls his demon closer, still kissing him before realizing what he's done. He panics, "oh my! Is this okay?" His face is crimson.

Crowley smirks, "it's good with me." The pair go back to it. Crowley is cautious about each move he makes. He lets his angel lead the way. Aziraphale pulls Crowley closer and Crowley presses. Crowley has wanted this for thousands of years. He wants to be bold but he doesn't want to scare Aziraphale. He tests the water, taking Zira's hand by the wrist and pressing it to the ground.

Aziraphale winces and pushes Crowley away. Crowley immediately gets off and scrambles back to his seat. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't of done that. Are you okay? I got carried away. I'm sorry."

Aziraphale sits up and places a hand on Crowley's knee. "It's okay, dear," he breaths heavily. He leans back on his heels and starts to undo the buttons on his shirt.

Crowley is completely perplexed. He watches Aziraphale's hands undo each button, practically licking his lips. When the shirt comes off Crowley's lust turns rancid. Zira looked beat up but it wasn't too bad. Now without a shirt covering the worst of it Crowley can see the bruising. So much bruising. There's also red ligature marks cutting into the angel's wrists.

Crowley clenches down on his jaw. "I should've gone with plan A and killed them all. I'm going to make them pay."

"It's looks worse than it is dear. I was able to preform a few miracles on the way here. The worst is gone. No broken bones or burns or anything" Zira meant this to be helpful but it only enrages Crowley more

"They did more than this? They burned you!" Crowley's voice shakes with rage. "Any one who laid a finger on my angel will pray for discoperaton. Zira I- they're going to pay." Crowley is literally steaming

He sees the unease he's causing and decides to drop it. For now, at least. "Oh. I'm sorry, love" he rests his hand on Aziraphale's shoulder.

"Love?" Zira looks at his demon with a dreamy smile, "you called me-"

"Well yes, of course. I do love you. I've loved you for millennia you fool." Crowley jokingly shakes his head.

Aziraphale's smile grows "oh jolly good, then. I love you as well" Crowley beams back at his angel. At last really, his angel.

They sit together basking in that feeling for what feels like years.



"I think I should go to a real hospital."

"Yes. I think so too."

That took a turn didn't it? I hope this healed your all's season 2 trauma. Please comment, interact, and share if you're enjoying it! One more chapter to go!

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