I can and will delay Armageddon

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There's a soft knock on Aziraphale's office door. Janiel enters, "sir, that meeting is set in conference room delta 15 minutes from now." Aziraphale thanks her. Before heading out, he kisses his fingers and touches them to his resin flower. It's become a habit. Every time he touches it he can feel Crowley. He can feel the overwhelming sense of love the demon had for him.

When Aziraphale gets to the conference room his peers are already there. The room has a long table with 52 seats at it. Only the first 4 spaces will be needed. A wave of nerves washes over him. The beings in the room had sentenced him to death by hell-fire not too long ago, so it's easy to say they don't like him. The ideas Aziraphale has are quite controversial as well. It's sure to ruffle some feathers. He takes a deep breath.

"Hello all!" He takes his seat at the head of the table, "I'm excited to share some very big news with you!" The other angels exchange looks. Aziraphale continues, "it has been decided that it's time to get the ball rolling on Christ's 2nd coming! Yes, the rapture, judgment day, and Armageddon. The whole lot.

Uriel raises their hand, "um, and how exactly will we have Armageddon when you, I believe it was, turned the anti-Christ human?" She looks to her peers, "just some boy in the English countryside now."

That is a good point. "Oh- yes... not to fret. There will be plenty of time for me to figure that one out." Aziraphale's palms sweat. "I've been told that all of the decisions are mine to make, uh, as long as the plan is completed. That- uh- there was not a time frame mentioned. It's my belief that humanity is not ready for judgment day yet." Perplexed looks fill the room. "We need to worry about saving more souls," Aziraphale explains. "We all know that the number of salvageable souls has gone down exponentially over the years. We need to make an effort to save more. It will take time. Centuries. Maybe even millennia but I want our soul count doubled."

It's Saraqael with something to say this time, "why and how are we to do this? The humans know right from wrong and they have the free will to choose. We have given them all of the rules written out. It's practically an instruction manual to get to salvation." Micheal and Uriel nod in agreement.

"The Great Plan is fair and just," Uriel adds.

Aziraphale sets his jaw before responding. They just don't get it. He sucks his cheek, then puts on his stern voice, "Yes. In heaven all is fair and just, but that is not the case on earth." He thinks of Edinburgh. "Humans are born into all different situations. The starting line is not in the same spot. Lots of those humans have no other choice but to do wicked things to survive or take care of those who depend on them." Uriel begins to comment but Aziraphale cuts them off, "I plan to send 50 angels to Earth to help sort things out. They'll preform minor miracles to make life easier on the humans. They'll consort with world leaders. If humanity learns of God's true love they will turn away from sin, even in trying times."

The angels sit for a moment thinking of what to say next. Michael taps her nails on the desk. "If your precious humans have wandered so far into the dark they do not love God," she says coldly

Aziraphale knows that much of humanity is good. He's seen them and their desire to be good! Michael's ignorance makes his blood boil. He slams his hands on the desk as he stands. Looking directly at her, he spits, "God has forsaken them!"

The tension could be cut with a knife. No one has ever seen this form of hostility from the new archangel supreme. Authority looks very good on Aziraphale, though.

Saraqael and Uriel sink into their chairs. Michael, on the other hand, holds Aziraphale's glare.

Aziraphale takes a deep breath. "God appointed me for a reason. I must go with my gut. I could put procedures in place that have the potential to save billions of souls. It will take time but casting out evil doesn't happen over night."

Michael clicks her tongue, "the only way to destroy evil is to defeat it once and for all."

Why won't they listen to me? Why are you so hungry for destruction? "It is not humans who are to suffer. It's even written in your 'instruction manual.' In the book of Ephesians that our fighting is not against mankind but the spiritual forces of evil."

What Michael says next causes Aziraphale more rage than he's ever known in his existence. "Does one really worry about the ants when dousing a fire?" Ant's! Did she really just say that? Billions of lives! Every one with value!

He grabs his chair and hurls it across the room. "Yes! That is exactly what I. Have. Been. Saying!" Aziraphale slams his hands on the desk and looks her deep in the eye. He speaks with a tone of complete disgust, "Every. Single. One. Of God's creations are to be treasured." He takes a deep breath. "EVEN THE DAMN ANTS!" His neck veins bulge out of his skin. Aziraphale has never raised his voice like this as long as he's been alive.

The angel stands, straightens his jacket, and presses his tongue into his top left canine tooth. When he speaks again it's quiet and calm but filled with authority. "What I'm telling you is not a suggestion. I was appointed by the mouthpiece of God, himself. To question me is to question the will of God." He takes the time to meet each angels' eyes. "I will update you as needed and if I require anything I'll let you know." With that, he turns and exits the conference room.

Hi, okay, we have to all agree that we love tough Aziraphale. I thought I'd need to add filler for this chapter but 1000 words is pretty good. Please stick with me because things will be getting good soon.

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