A meeting with the voice of God

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Aziraphale steps into the elevator with the Metatron. The last time he did this, his heart broke but this time his whole soul is crushed. He'd give anything to look out and see Crowley, pleading and heartbroken, like last time. The ride up feels much shorter than the one down.

When the doors open Aziraphale steps right out and walks back to his office silently. He takes the resin-cased flower out of his pocket and sets it on his desk.

He sits at the desk staring off in front of him for God only knows how long. Literally, being immortal and having no clocks or windows or sun to go off of, there's no way of knowing how long Aziraphale had sat there disassociated. He's only brought out of the trance by Janiel entering the room

"The Metatron is here to see you," she tells him. She looks concerned.

The Metatron enters and asks Janiel to give them a some privacy. She gives a small bow and makes exit in a haste.

Aziraphale stands quickly to greet his visitor, "sir how- uh- how can I help you."

The Metatron studies Aziraphale. He scans the room, "this is a very nice office. Lots of room." Aziraphale is very confused but thanks him anyways. The Metatron takes notice of the flower. He picks it up to examine it, "an earthy object? How unusual. Very pretty though."

Aziraphale feels a pang of panic. "Yes. Very. Is it alright? To have."

The Metatron chuckles. He places Crowley's flower back on the desk gently and says, "Aziraphale you are in charge now. If you'd like to have an earthly object, that is fine. You can make almost all the changes you'd like to the running of heaven." He brings forth a more serious tone, "all that matters is that the Great Plan- that God's will- is accomplished. Do you understand."

Aziraphale nods but he is actually very confused. Being an archangel and in charge is all new to him. He has no idea how to run heaven. All he knows is that the only person- demon- being (other than God) he's ever loved is gone. In that moment Aziraphale realized that maybe this isn't for him. If I don't do it then who will? Micheal? The thought alone makes him feel sick. I can actually make a change. "I think I do understand."

"Good, good. I think that's enough chit chat," he smiles, "I need for you to call a meeting for all of the archangels. It's time to discuss the 2nd coming and get the ball rolling."

Aziraphale and the Metatron have a detailed conversation about what needs to happen to prepare heaven and the world for the rapture and Armageddon. In short Aziraphale gets to make the play calls so long as the events laid out in the book of revolutions occur. Then the Metatron takes his leave.

The 2nd coming doesn't sound too bad in theory. All of the wrong-doers will be punished and everyone who lived a good moral life will enter the kingdom of God. That all sounds wonderful and just to Aziraphale. His issue is that the world is not a just place. Too many humans are lead astray by things out of their control. It makes him sad to know that the earth will be destroyed as well. Humanity has only just began it feels. Maybe Aziraphale can get Armageddon pushed back a few more thousand years. The Metatron didn't say when things needed to start, just that they needed to. Time is a relative concept, especially to immortal beings.

Aziraphale calls Janiel in to ask her to arrange a meeting with all of the archangels for later that day.

He figures it's time to tackle some of those emails. The count is now at 13,000,024. At the insane rate Aziraphale can read, he'll be able to knock out 1000 or so before meeting with the other angels.

Sorry that this one is short and not very interesting but we can't forget about the 2nd coming. As always, thank you for reading.

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