✩ Chapter One ✩

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"This is the world's most confusing game in the world?" Pacifica asked, running a hand through her hair and making Mabel blush slightly and look away with her heart pounding. "No," Ford took a look at her. Her blonde hair was down to her waist, and she was wearing one of Mabel's homemade sweaters. It was beige with a llama print on it. "It's a prophecy," he stated, looking back at everyone. They were all there... "Although this will be a pretty good game to watch in hopscotch, it's sadly not. I found ten symbols many years ago in a cave. Instantly I recognized this, but now I hardly know some. The native people of Gravity Falls Oregon prophecied that this will vanquish Bill for good."

Dipper's eyes narrowed as he stared at his great uncle.

He didn't really wanna kill Bill. Sure, he was evil in most shapes and forms, and he tried to kill them all! But..

"Grunkle Ford, isn't there another way to kill him?" He asked cautiously. He didn't want the demon to be hurt. Ford put his fingers to his chin, obviously thinking hard as Dipper searched frantically around for the yellow demon. He was nowhere to be seen, and Mabel glanced a look at him worryingly.
They're going to kill you, he thought as he flexes his knuckles in his vest's pockets. I know, Bill replied. "Bro bro, are you okay? You look pale." Mabel asked, her eyes creasing with worry. "I'm fine Mabel." Just play the part. I'll be there in a few.
"Well, there is the memory gun that I can shoot him with." His eyes widened. "O-on second thought, do you think this plan is actually going to work? We could loose!" Ford hummed. "While that may be the case Dipper, our goal is to try and stop him for good." A weirdness bubble was sent in their direction, making his eyes grow wide.
"Everyone now!" He said, holding hands with Soos as everyone got in the circle except for Stanley. "Stanley! Get in before Bill finds us!" Stan crossed his arms and glared at his twin brother angrily. "Not until my brother gives me a thank you for saving him!" Ford bristled. "We don't have time Stan!" He stated. "We need to do this now before he finds us!" Stan rolled his eyes. "And what are you going to do about it Point Dexter? Blame me again?" He marched up to him and jabbed a finger at his brothers chest, making him loose contact with Soos. "Because if I remember correctly, I spend like half of my life trying to win you back and this is how you repay me! You ungreatful little bi-!"
The ground shook, and laughter filled the air. "You meatsacks really are adorable!"a familiar voice giggled as Ford stiffened. "Always bickering. Yeesh, and you think we're bad! You know what'll make a good decoration in this hall?" Bill snapped his fingers, sending Wendy to a wall as a curtain. "Ah!" She screamed as she tried to grab on to Mabel. "Help!" "Curtains!" Bill's eye lit up with excitement...
Dipper woke up groggily as he rubbed his eyes, his alarm clock ringing through the empty room. It's been three years since he's visited Gravity Falls, three years since Stan killed Bill, and three years since he last saw Mabel. He had moved out of the shack, and found an apartment close to Greasy's Diner so he could study in peace. He was looking for a way to bring Bill back.
Of course, he had no such luck. He didn't even know why he was doing it in the first place, but he found himself missing his laughter.
It's a funny thing, really.
To have a small crush on a mind demon who tried to once kill you and your whole family.
But sometimes, Dipper likes to think that they are just misunderstood. Bill doesn't talk much about his past, and whenever he tries to bring it up, he'd flinch and change the topic to his dismay.
Sighing, he reached for his phone and tried to call Mable... again.
At this tone, please leave a message. Frowning, he said, "Hi Mabel, it's me. Dipper. Again. Uh..." he didn't know what to say. Sighing quietly, he continued. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm back in Gravity Falls. I don't live in the shack, I have my own apartment!" He said excitedly and held his arm with his free hand. "But uh, I miss you. And uh, I'm sorry for not telling you." He hesitated before he hung up and decided to go to Greasy's Diner for breakfast.
Grabbing a blue jacket, he grabbed his wallet and headed out the door.

"Good morning Gravity Falls!" He heard Shanda Jimenez on his radio. "Today is a wonderful day to be outside! It's very sunny for Gravity Falls, a perfect day for a picnic! Fuck, I might go one myself. Anyways, a car crashed on the route of 91, and people have reported that they saw a shapeshifting animal? I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty scary! Skinwalker, much?" She chuckled. Dipper raised an eyebrow. A shapeshifter? Gravity Falls was pretty weird, but he didn't expect to hear a shapeshifter out in the open in broad daylight. The last time he saw one...well, he doesn't wanna remember. Shuddering, he turned the car off as he headed inside.

The place didn't change at all. He took notice that there were two new police men that he didn't know their names, and sat down near the Manliness Tester. "Well, if it isn't Dipper Pines," A familiar voice snaps him out of his thoughts as he sees a slender boy wearing a white polo with a blue vest on top, and black skinny jeans. He had white hair and blue eyes, and his eyes widened.

"Gideon?" He asked. He smirked. "The one and only!" He bowed dramatically, and he rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" He suddenly turned serious, and shook his head. "Pines, you are the only one who can tame this god forbidden creature." "Creature?" That perked his interest. Unfortunately, Gideon sat across from him, and he looked as though he was going to join him for breakfast.

He nodded.

"Mhm. Appeared in my backyard with a blue flame one night. Never seen it since, but today I saw it in my garage, looking for something and muttering under its breath." Dipper felt uneasy listening to him. But then again, he was Gideon. Just the sight of Gideon made him uncomfortable.

"What did this creature look like?" He pressed, and his eyes narrowed. "It wasn't a creature, it looked like a human. But it had tanned skin and blonde hair, and he had black pupils that looked like a cat's.. He wore a white shirt with two transparent bracelets around his hands...it was horrifying Pines, horrifying I say!" "Blonde?" Dipper questioned. "Yes, but I'll warn ya Pines," he leaned in to the table. "He was muttering under his breath that something was wrong. Very, very wrong. And his eye color? They were mismatched. His right was bright red, while his other one was pitch black." "Do you know what he was saying?" Dipper asked one last time before leaving. "He said, 'We are all going to die.'"

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