✩ Chapter Five ✩

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Night had fallen in Gravity Falls as Dipper sighed in frustration. Scenes from this morning replayed in his mind over and over again like the plague. Sure, he had questions like why did she even show up in the first place? Nonetheless, he was fine avoiding her if it meant to keep Bill safe.

He stood up, not bothering to push in his chair as he strolled over to the bookshelf. Smiling slightly, he picked up Journal Number Three. It was what bought him into the supernatural. Well, one of the many reasons. He flipped over to a page that wasn't there before.

His eyebrows knitted in confusion as he bent over to pull out a drawer and grabbed the light so he could read invisible ink. He had scored it one time while exploring the Mystery Shack (He of course got in trouble with Ford. But then again, even at that time he had seemed not to like him). He sat down next to Bill. (He had decided that after this, he was going to go to bed. It was already twelve am in the morning.)

He clicked it on and bolded letters spread across the page. Circles were doodled against the words, making it harder for Dipper to read. Squinting, he read, "KILLIAN IS HERE. THERE IS NO ESCAPE. ONCE YOU HAVE MADE A DEAL WITH HIM, YOUR SOUL WILL BE BOUNDED TO HIM. DO NOT SUMMON."




Bill woke up in the mindscape. Rubbing his eyes, he groaned as he sat up. His mind was fuzzy, but he squinted to see a bright blue light. He cautiously headed over. "Will?" he called out, and a slender man with baby blue hair and green eyes wearing a blue vest with a white shirt and black jeans turned around. "Bill," he frowned, crossing his arms. "Do you know why you're here?" He shook his head. "No-" "The Council called," Bill could've sworn his heart skipped a beat.

"W-Wha-" Will kept interrupting him. "They said that you were banished from the Nightmare Realm until you can get your act together. So that means-" Will marched up to the blonde boy and grabbed his shirt collar, lifting him up slightly as he glared daggers at him. Bill felt his skin run cold.

"No more showing emotion. Until then, you are dead to us." "Well, do they know about your crush? Because if I remember correctly, you're just a messed up version of me. And Killian-" "DON'T say that name!" He snapped, making Bill fall silent. "Do you hear me Bill Cipher?" He threw Bill on to the ground, and Bill kept a straight face at him.

He can't show emotion.

"Next time you show emotion, you'll end up like him. You understand me?" an image filled his mind. A tall man stood in front of a boy who was on the ground. The boy was in a pool of blood. "Y-yes sir," Bill stammered. "Good. I know that you won't fail to disappoint me." The man ruffles up Bill's hair before leaving, and all Bill could think was: "I'm sorry."

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