✩ Chapter Eight ✩

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"GUYS, GUYS, GUYS GUESS WHAT?!" a loud, feminine high-pitched voice rang through the shack, startling Bill as he snapped awake from the cashier register. "Ugh, what?" Mason groaned, glancing up at Mabel as she ran to them.

"There's going to be a dance!" Bill raised an eyebrow at this, feeling a bit curious at the word "dance". "A dance?" He echoed, and Mason rolled his eyes, heading over to one of the world globes for attractions. "Every year, Gravity Falls throws this "fantastic  dance" for all citizens to join." Mabel rolled her eyes at Mason, not amused by his behavior.

"It's one of the big events here," "Anyone can go with anyone?" Bill asked, and Mabel shrugged. "I mean, sure, I don't see why not." 

Bill and Mason glanced at each other as Mabel hummed herself away again.

"So...the dance?" Bill said and Mason looked up at him, humming slightly. "Yeah?" "Would you like to go?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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