☆ Chapter Six ☆

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"Bill, wake up!" A high-pitched voice wakes Bill up from his sleep as he turns around in bed. "No, go away Will," he mutters sleepily, and Will rolls his eyes. "Come on! The circus is in town today!" Bill raises his eyebrows with his eyes still closed. "Nuh uh, father said that it was coming next week." Will rolled his eyes. "Obviously he lied, like he always does. Come on, get your sleepy ass out of bed! I wanna see the clowns" Bill groaned. "You're old enough to go to the circus by yourself Will," He says frowning. "Go without me." Will frowned and crossed his eyes. "You know I'm not leaving you alone until you agree to join me." Bill groaned again, opening his eyes as he's given up on sleeping.

"Alright, fine. I'm up. Happy?" Will smiles as he nods his head. "More than happy." He says as he heads down the stairs and Bill rolled his eyes. He pulls on a yellow sweater with a triangle symbol on it as he puts on black jeans and a white polo. He finds Will near the door already.

"Are you two going out already?" A feminine voice says from the living room. Bill looks over at his mom to see her sitting on a rocking chair facing the fire with a few blankets placed on her lap. "Yeah, but we'll be quick," Bill said, and Will nods his head in agreement. The woman doesn't look at them at all as she keeps her eyes focused on the fireplace. "Alright, just don't be out for too long." Bill nods his head as he and Will make it to the town square.

"I've never even seen this many people before," Will observed as he looks around. "It's like they're all coming for the circus." "Well, looking at the fact that you woke me up at 7 for this, then I can safely assume that these people are coming to the circus at this hour in the morning," Bill said grumpily. He doesn't want to be here at all. 

"Mock all you want brother," He says, "I'm going to go get us a snack." Bill nods his head. "Alright, don't get lost." Will mocks a salute at him and he rolls his eyes a bit as he goes to look for a seat.

"..No, this wouldn't work," A voice said from inside a tent, stopping him. "Are you sure?" An older gruffer voice responded. "It looks like the old one." "No Ford, this trick has to work!" Ford chuckles a bit. "It'll work, trust me! You just gotta find someone who'll be able to let themselves be cut in half with a pretend chainsaw or turn invisible." "Those tricks are old though!" The other voice groans as Bill curiously steps into the tent to see the problem. 

"He's a sadistic asshole, I can't let him on stage!" Bill sees the boy with brown hair and blue eyes saying to the older man as 'Ford' looks down at the other boy in front of them who had curly hair instead.

"Hm...you may be right on this Mason..." "Uh...I-I can if he doesn't work," Bill speaks up as they both turn to look at him. Ford and Mason exchange looks as Mason shrugs his shoulders and walks up to him.

Bill can feel his heart racing a bit as he sees him walking towards him. "Alright then. You'll be our new magician. Do you think you can handle that?" "I...I think so...I've been practicing some of my own tricks at home in my spare time." Mason smiles, and Bill can feel his cheeks heat up a bit.

Mason nods his head. "Alright. I'm Mason. This is my boss, Stanford, but he goes by Ford," Ford studies Bill for a moment before saying, "Just call me Ford." "And you..?" Mason asks him. "Oh, u-uh, my name is Bill," He says nervously, and Mason grabs Bill's wrist. "Good to have you on the team then Bill." 

Sorry I haven't posted in a long time!

Bill's backstory of when he was alive takes place in the 1920's-1930's. I hope that clears things up a bit! 

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