☆ Chapter Seven ☆

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"You know, you could work for us from now on," Mason said after the show as they sat together on a bench. Bill raises an eyebrow at him. "Work for you? Like...being in a circus? Why?" He laughs a bit, and shakes his head. "Not like that. I mean, I have another job." "What? Do you run around in a clown costume?" Bill says sarcasitcally as the sun sets in front of them. Mason sighs and glances at him. "No...I work at this shack that's being run by my great uncles. We're looking for new employees, and I thought that we could spend more time together because you seem like a cool guy." 

Bill hesitates and turns to look at him. "How much money would I get?" Mason thinks for a minute, humming a bit. "I would say at least $17.09 per hour??" Bill nods his head as he thinks about the offer. "Okay, done. Deal." Mason smiles and nods his head. "Okay great! I'll give you my card and you can call me some time." Mason hands Bill his card and Bill looks at it, reading it.

'Mystery Shack located in the woods. Call xxx-xxx-xxx for Mason Pines'.

Bill could feel himself blushing.

"Oh, so you showed up." a familiar voice calls out to Bill as he enters the Mystery Shack. He looks around and sees t-shirts with question marks and suvouniers. "Well yeah, I'd thought I'd give it a try," He says as Mason smiles and nods his head at him. "That's good, because we need new employees. Anyways, the girl over there is Grace Corduroy, she works as the cashier." Mason points over to the girl who's behind the counter and she looks up from her magazine. She has short orange hair and makeup, and she's chewing bubble gum. Bill just nods his head at her and she waves before going back to her magazine.

"You already know me, and these are my Great Uncles, Ford and Stanley Pines." Mason heads over to him and whispers: "The one with the glasses is Ford, and the one with the hat is Stan. They're identical twins." "Oh, I guess that explains it." Bill says and Mason nods his head. "Yeah. And this is my-" 

"Hi! I'm Amabel, but you can just call me Mabel!" "...Sister..." Mason finishes his sentence and Bill sees Mabels sweater as it's a dark shade of purple with a shooting star. "Is this the new employee?" A voice says as he sounds more hispanic than the others. 

Bill looks up to see a tall man with a question mark shirt, and Mason nods his head. "Yes. This is Bill. He helped Ford and I at the circus." "Oh cool dude. I'm Joseph," "Nice to meet you...Joseph?" Joseph nods his head and smiles at him as he holds a tool box in his hands.

Mason turns to smile at him.

"Welcome to the Mystery Shack Bill." 

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