✩ Chapter Three ✩

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Dipper couldn't believe it.
Bill Cipher was alive. As in, in front of him! Bill managed a nervous chuckle. "I know I'm attractive, but your going to swallow flies Pine Tree." He hummed, and Dipper tackles him into a hug, burying his face in his chest. "Bill, I thought you were dead," he murmured, and Bill hugged him back, tightening his grip on the shorter boy. "Why didn't you come to me? I could've helped you." Bill sighed and cupped Dipper's face with his hands.
"I know you would've, but the Nightmare Realm was too dangerous for you." "Bill, what about our promise? You said that if anything bad happens to the either of us, we'll be there for each other! No matter what!" "It was too dangerous. They were angry Dipper, they would've killed you." Dipper shut up. Bill never calls him by his name. It must have been pretty serious.
Frowning, Dipper took Bill's hands and intertwined his fingers with his. "You could've made me stronger."
Bill hummed. "I don't think you'll handle it~" Dipper pressed harder. "I handled you didn't I?" He opened his mouth to say something, but Dipper saw this as an opportunity and kissed the blonde boy on the lips. Bill melted in to the kiss and they pulled apart after.
"That's not fair!" Bill poured and Dipper crossed his arms, shifting his weight to his right leg. "Well leaving me to think that your dead isn't fair either!" He snapped back, making Bill narrow his eyes together. "Touché." Dipper pushed and looked at him. "So... will you think about it?" "Think about what?" he asked in a reading voice as he rolled his eyes, grabbing the older boys hand. "You know, making me stronger." Bill frowned. "You mean by making you a demon. I don't know if that's possible." "Come on! I'm ready for anything!" Dipper said, punching the air in excitement which made him laugh. "I don't know. There are no redos. If you would want to come back as a human you'd have to go to the Council, which at the moment," he looked down at him. "Is out of the question. If they find you, they'll probably torture you and then kill me in front of your eyes." Dipper shuddered. "Right, I forgot about Time Baby." Bill hummed in agreement. "But think about it. Please? For me?" Dipper asked.
If I became a demon and learned magic, I can protect you too. He thought, and found himself blushing at saving Bill.
An image spread to mind as he and Bill made their way out of the forest. Knowing him, the shack was close by and it'll alert Ford. And he was just the person that Dipper didn't want him in contact with. He was, undoubtably, trying his best to protect him from Ford. Ever since he came out to them as gay and had feelings for Bill Cipher, Ford and the rest of his family didn't get a long. Ford would give him the "silent" treatment and when they would fight, he would have been extremely homophobic about it, calling it a sin and stuff. Stan had been a bit more excepting. He didn't care that Dipper was gay, but he was still iffy about dating Bill. And Mabel... Mabel hasn't spoken to Dipper in over three years. She's claiming that he didn't "trust" her enough to tell her things. She got mad and... well. She left. She practically blocked him from his life, (which would have been fine if she would have told him that she was going to block him). But none.
So that was why he was rather shocked to see a grown up Mabel (who looked very pissed) and a grown up Pacifica who was trying to calm her down.
Bill stopped, tensed and looked at Dipper as he had his mouth open.
"M-Mabel?" He stammered.

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