✰ Chapter Four ✰

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Bill didn't know why Dipper was so shocked to see Mabel. Aren't they siblings? His eyebrows scrunched up together at the thought of thinking of his siblings.
Will and Killian.
He hasn't seen them in like what? Five years? Personally the only one he would even want to see was Will (since he was the only one who didn't abandoned him). Killian was long dead to him.
"M-Mabel what are you doing here?" Pine Tree asks Shooting Star as she crosses her arms in frustration with a small "harumph."
"You left me Dipper that's why! And then you return back to Gravity Falls and what do I see? You have moved out from the shack." Her scowl turns into disgust and hatred, which made Bill shrink back.
He knew he was hated by the Pines family, and probably everyone by now. He should be used to it. Fuck, he even liked it. It was a hilarious feeling, a feeling where you feel like people around you would be better if you were dead.
Dipper bristled. "So you got my calls." "Guys, can we not fight right now?" Pacifica asked. Bill looked up at her. Shouldn't she be mad at him like everyone else? Mabel turned to face Llama. "Then please tell my brother to stop dating Bill." "I'm right here." Bill growled, which made her scowl. "And I don't care."
"Mabel, you knew that I was gay and dated Bill. Why can't you accept that?" Pine Tree marched up to his sister, and Bill grabbed pulled his wrist, making him stop. "I have no problem with you dating Pacifica, at least she's supportive." "Dip Dot, I have no problem with you being gay, but Bill?! Come on, he tried to erase me!" "It wasn't-" Bill got cut off by a quick and passionate kiss by Dipper. Shocked, he melted in after a few minutes, and Pine Tree takes his hands with a frown. "If this is why you came back to Gravity Falls, then Bill and I are leaving." And that was it.
Bill followed Dipper, letting the younger boy drag him.
"Where are we going?" He asked. Pine Tree shrugged. "Somewhere." "Why?" "Away from Mabel." Bill frowned, and fidgeted with his promise ring. "Pine Tree, I'm sorry." Dipper stopped, which made Bill bump into him. "You have no reason to be sorry." Dipper responded, turning around and grabbing his hands. Bill avoided Dipper's gaze.
"But I tried to kill you." "Yeah, but you didn't. I'm still here you know," Dipper said quietly. Bill felt even guiltier. "And kidnap you." "Hmm then we wouldn't be where we are now." Dipper cups Bill's face, and brings him to eye level. "Look. Whatever Mabel says about you is shit okay? Absolute shit. You can forget about her. She doesn't know you. She still thinks that your this evil demon who's corrupting me. So it's garbage. Alright? Complete and utter bullshit." He caressed Bill's face and he nuzzled into his hand. "What will I do without you Pine Tree?" Dipper giggled, his face red. "I don't know but are we still up for breakfast? What do you say? My treat?" Bill hummed, thinking about it. "Alright but next time I'm paying~" Dipper's eyes glistened in amusement. "Sure you are. Keep dreaming Bill."

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