✰ Chapter Two ✰

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Bill Cipher woke up with a start, his eyes darting around the area as he tries to collect himself together. Where was he? What happened? He took a step forward, and immideatly yelped as he fell on to the ground in pain. Groaning, memories of what happened flooded him, making his eyes shift colors.



They widened.

Nonononono! He wasn't a human! He can't be! Panicky, he looks down at his hands and moves his fingers around, and takes a final look at his surroundings. He was outside..behind someone's house? Wait, no, he knew where it was from, but he couldn't place a finger on it. Names had been erased from his memory, but he had a terrible feeling that something extremely bad was going to happen soon.

Scrambling, he ran out of the backyard and into the town. It was pitch black, and he could still hear his voice.

"Bill Cipher you have failed your mission at Weirdmageddon, therefor I am sending you to the 3rd Dimension, a place called Gravity Falls, Oregon in your human form." "WAIT, NO!" Bill stated. "I CAN PROVE MYSELF!" Time Baby frowned, furrowing his eyebrows together as the Court murmured unapproved looks. "As a punishment, we will be taking most of your powers away." "Fuck you Time Baby!" Bill spat, making Time Baby roll his eyes. "..And hereby banish from the Nightmare Realm." "What are you going to do?" Bill sneered, his eyes glistening as Time Baby just stared at him, unamused. After all, he and Axolotl are one of the most powerful beings in the universe.

"Ban me from all eternity?" He snorted. "HA! You wish." Time Baby snapped his fingers twice, and two transparent bracelets appeared on Bill's wrists. "These will be keeping you away from the Nightmare Realm until you have proved yourself as a demon again." "I'm already a demon though." Bill stated, feeling as though all of his confidence has been removed.

Time Baby shook his head. "Goodbye Bill Cipher." And then everything had went black.

Groaning, he mutters under his breath as he began to pace around. "Everyone is going to die." The feeling gnawed at him. It was terrible. Dismissing, he decided to walk around town. Might as well try to find a home while you're at it...

He was so lost in thought that he didn't see the car coming at him.

"WOAH!" The man stirred the wheal, making Bill numbly turn around, unfazed as he watched the car flip upside down. Angrily, a guy stepped out, making Bill quickly shapeshift into a dog and run away.

"You mutt!" he shouted with a hiss. "Watch where you're going next time ya hear me!" Once he was away from him, he shifted back, shuddering as the sun began to rise. He rolled his eyes and went into the forest.

"Bill?!" A familiar voice echoed around the clearing. His eyes widened. Wait. That was-

"Bill, are you here?" Dipper's voice echoed around the clearing and he followed Pine Tree's voice, running past the statue that he really wanted to shatter at the moment. "Bill-!" He panted, and they stared at each other, with Dipper taking all of Bill's feature's in.

"Hi," He said, and Bill cracked a small smile.





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