Chapter 2

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"So where am I taking you?" Jude asked as I watched his hands move across the leather steering wheel.

I moved my head away and stared out of the window at the lashing rain, telling myself I was being stupid and nostalgic. "Bartlett."

"Right," he replied. "Where is that?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's near the library."

"Sure," he nodded to himself, narrowing his eyes at the road signs. "So, it's this way..."

"Straight, turn right, straight, turn right," I sighed, trying to mask my smile.

"You still haven't told me why you're walking in the rain, Lynnie," he reminded me, his gaze quickly moving from the road to my eyes, making me feel uneasy and slightly uncomfortable.

"My phone is dead and I had no bus pass," I said shortly, painfully aware of every little movement Jude made.

"Should've charged your phone."

"No shit," I glared at him, he was never able to keep his mouth shut when the answer was extremely obvious.

"Language," he tutted, turning onto the main road. "What would your mother say?"

"She sees you swearing your head off on the tv most games," I laughed, my mum was so against swearing she'd once hit both Jude and Jobe over the head with a tea towel when they were playing FIFA.

"You still watch my games?"

"No," I said too quickly and he noticed, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "They do, I prefer to watch Jobe's games, I think he's much more talented."

Jude scoffed and licked his lips. The rain seemed to ease on the windscreen, turning from cats and dogs to more of a drizzle. It suddenly hit me.

"My parents' anniversary," I whispered to myself.


"You're coming to my parents' anniversary," I said.

"And she's cracked the code," he laughed, stopping the car outside my building.


"No what?"

"No you're not coming," I looked at him, but he just raised his eyebrows in amusement. "They're my family, I don't want you there."

"Well, my family are going to be there too," he replied. "Plus, Anne invited me."

My mother invited my ex boyfriend to her 25th wedding anniversary? Yes he was her best friends son, but how could she not tell me? Or at least warn me to stay far, far away.

"You don't have to be mad at me Lynnie," Jude continued, tapping his fingers on wheel, something was bothering him.

"No one calls me Lynnie anymore," I snapped. "And yes I do."

"You broke up with me, remember?"

"Because you got on a plane to Germany and I had to find out on the news!" It was still painful just to relive it.

I was sat in the living room, TV on, finishing some work I had to do in the summer before I went back to college. My dad started talking to my mum, very quietly. They were both looking at me then the TV and back again. I remember looking at the screen and the living room crumbling around me.

"I didn't know how to tell you," Jude said simply, not even looking at me.

"Right ok," I opened the car door and got out into the street.

"Lyn," Jude started but I cut him off by slamming the door behind me. "Evelyn."
I turned around to see him leaning out of the window. "Don't slam the door."

I bit my lip in anger and disbelief. "Go to hell Jude."

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