Chapter 10

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I woke up with a twinging shoulder. I blinked a few times at the ceiling before moving my feet off the sofa. The sun was just peering over the tall buildings flooding the city with a golden light.

After a long fight last night, Lynnie finally agreed to sleep in my room whilst I settled for the sofa, which I had now discovered was extremely uncomfortable. I glanced towards my bedroom door. It was left slightly ajar and the light landed on the bed. From where I sat, it looked empty.

Confused, I got up and wandered towards the open door. The duvet was neatly made and the bathroom door was open. I blinked a few times to make sure I was fully awake. She was definitely not there. Back in the hallway, I quietly opened the spare room door to see Jobe still fast asleep in the bed. As I shut the door, I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

No message; I didn't even know if she still had my number. There were no notes left anywhere. I started to get this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I scrolled through my contacts until I found her name. I pressed it and listened to the ringing sound.

As the last ring sounded, I heard the beep of the key card at the door and Lynnie bundled in with her bags in one hand and her phone in the other.

"Is this you?" She waved her phone at me as my number lit up the screen.

"Yeah," I stared at her.

"Are you gonna help me or just stand there?"

I blinked and moved towards her and grabbed the bigger of the two bags. She smiled and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch where I slept and pulled the blanket over her.

I looked from the door to the couch and back again a few times, bemused.

"Why did you ring me?" Lynnie asked.

I put her bag down and sat on the chair opposite her. "I woke up and you were gone, I was worried."

She blushed. "I needed to check out of the hotel so I found your keycard, snuck out and told the doorman I'd be back."

"Wow," I nodded. "Well planned."

"You've met my mother, I had to learn how to get out silently."

I smiled, it was nice to see her relaxed. Her guard was down, as if she had forgotten what I did. I knew I had to tread carefully.

"So what are we doing today?"


"Well yes," Lynnie looked at me like I was stupid. "I'm not sitting in this depressing box all day."

"Hey, I spent a good 20 minutes looking on IKEA's website."

"I can tell," her eyes scanned the apartment, and I was suddenly very aware of how unwelcoming it was. "You didn't answer my question."

"Oh right," I searched my brain for any idea, then I realised I hadn't been anywhere in the nearly 3 months of being in Madrid. Not wanting to sound like a hermit, I lied. "We could go and eat somewhere, for lunch."

"Okay, anything more specific?"

"Well it's your first time in Madrid, why don't you pick somewhere," I smiled and nodded, trying to convince her I knew what I was doing.

"Ooo ok," Lynnie's face lit up as she grabbed her phone. "I'll find somewhere. Do you think 1 is ok? Will Jobe be ready?"

Jobe. I forgot about my little brother. A part of me had wished it would be just us. A big part, but a stupid one. I knew she had a boyfriend, I knew she couldn't forgive me for abandoning her. But for some reason, I felt there was a slight chance of getting Lynnie back.

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