Chapter 11

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"Why is it so cold?" I shivered as we walked towards the café I had chosen for lunch.

"Because it's nearly November," Jude replied, walking slightly behind me.

"But we're in Spain," I complained, pulling my coat further across my body.

"Shockingly, Spain have a winter too," Jobe smiled.

I opened my mouth and closed it again quickly as Jude began to speak. "Don't."

"You should've gone to somewhere southern," I mumbled.

The café was small but pretty. Flowers lined the window sills and counter. Jude asked if we could sit in a booth at the back of the room, away from the prying eyes of the people. We'd already been stopped twice on our way here.
Our table had a singular stem placed in a green bottle.

"I can't read Spanish," Jobe gave up reading the menu after roughly ten seconds.

"It's not that hard," I sighed as Jude put his menu down next to his brothers. "The word for sandwich is sándwich."

We talked and ate for an hour before I noticed a group of people that had gathered outside the window. The other people in the cafe were beginning to look around and whisper. Jude sighed and grabbed his phone.

"What are we going to do?" Jobe asked, I could feel him getting nervous.

"I'll call a car," Jude said, put he looked at a loss.

Something pinged in my mind like a microwave . "Give me two seconds."

I got up quickly and went to the counter. "Hola."

"Hola," the waitress behind the counter smiled a sunny smile. "¿Qué puedo hacer por ti?"

I spoke to her swiftly in Spanish. She nodded and looked outside. Plan falling into place and rushed back to the table to see the very confused brothers. "Ok so, can you call a car to the street behind this one? We're going out the back."

"What?," Jude smiled and raised his eyebrows at my evident excitement. "There's a back door in this place?"

"There's always a back door," Jobe nodded knowingly. Jude didn't look convinced.

"Come on, this will fun, I never do anything fun."

This caught Jude's attention and I immediately regretted saying it. He smiled at me. "Jonny boy doesn't do anything fun with you? Is he really as boring as he looks?"

"Jude," I sighed.

"So," he was enjoying himself now. "He works, he travels, and let me guess, he buys you jewellery to make up for all the plans he missed?"

I quickly placed my hand over my Cartier, and glared back at Jude. Jobe sat between us, his eyes darting back and forth like he was at a tennis match. "No, you've got him all wrong. He's sweet and kind and he loves me."

Jude rolled his eyes. "Sure."

"I'm about 3 seconds away from walking out to that crowd and directing them to your house."

"Wow, bit dramatic, Lynnie."

"Look, do you want to get out of here or not?"

"I don't really know if I have an opinion in this power struggle," Jobe added. "But I'd like to go."

"See," I said, "you can't deny your injured little brother now can you?"

Jude looked between Jobe's pleading eyes and my grin. "Fine."

I turned around and signalled to the waitress. She winked back and walked out from behind the counter with two mugs on a tray.

"Ok, when she drops the mug," I pointed to the door behind us. "Run."

"I can't run," Jobe whispered.

"Well hop quickly."

There was a loud crash, and the shattering of ceramic. All attention in the cafe was drawn away from us.

Go, go,go, I mouthed to the boys and the scrambled towards the exit.

Jude opened the door, Jobe quickly followed and I slammed the door behind us. We all looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"You actually asked someone to break cups?" Jude asked after catching his breath.

"And she did it," I exclaimed.

We walked to the cab, and things felt almost normal.


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