Chapter 19

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I knocked on the white door. I could hear muffled noises from inside and none of it was coming towards me to open the door. I tried the handle and the door opened and immediately I was hit by wailing.

Lynnie looked at me with pure desperation. "She won't stop crying, she just won't."

The baby in her arms, which I assumed was Elena, was screaming at the top of her lungs. I looked around the room which appeared as if a giant bull had rampaged through.

"Have you tried?" I began before she snapped back at me.

"Everything? Of course I have Jude."

"Ok, be nice to the man who left a restaurant to be here."

"Sorry, it's like there's a demon inside her that's sucking all the happiness out of me," she ran a hand through her hair.

"Right, give her to me," I held out my hands.

"Yeah? And what's that going to do?" She glared at me. "It's not like you have magic hands."

"I mean," I smirked at her, "some people would say I do."

"Dios mío, Jude. Are you actually trying to make me cry? Do you want to see me cry?" She blinked at me, her eyes shooting daggers, I was amazed I was still breathing, but couldn't help grinning as she spoke Spanish.

"Just give her to me."

The screaming child was passed over the couch and I held her to my chest. She snuffled for a second before settling and falling asleep in my arms.

"Ok, what the fuck?" Lynnie stared at me in total amazement, which I appreciated.

"Don't swear near the baby," I tutted turning around and putting Elena down in her cot. I turned back to see Lynnie's face morph into something I hadn't seen in a while. "You told me I couldn't look at you like that."

Her eyes widened when she realised I was watching her before her cheeks turned bright pink. She picked up some toys from the floor before flopping on the sofa. She looked up at me. "Seriously, how did you do that?"

I shrugged. "She probably got used you and needed someone different to hold her. But I'm no baby expert."

"Looked like you were."

"I used to baby sit my cousins when I was younger so I could save up for new boots," I smiled at the memory.

"You had those neon pink ones for ages," Lynnie laughed.

"They were cool."


We sat there in a comfortable silence for a while. I couldn't help but look over at her. Her tanned skin and wavy hair, that she used to straighten every day, her eyes that she always said were brown, but I could see the green in them. Everything about her was perfect. God I missed her.

"Did you say you were at a restaurant?" She suddenly turned to look at me.

"Uh yeah," I stumbled over my words, not wanting to tell her why I was there in the first place. "It was nothing really."

"You're pretty dressed up for it to be nothing," she looked at my shirt, slightly unbuttoned. She snapped her head back round at me, as if something had clicked. "You weren't on a date were you?"


"Oh my god, Jude," she stood up, very nearly shouting, but staying quiet enough not to disturb the baby. "You left a date to be here?"

"I wouldn't call it a date, more of a meal with a girl I met last week," I shrugged, confused about she was agitated.

"So a date?"


"Jude you can't leave a date to be with me. That's not how this works," she pointed between us both.

"This? There is no this. You made that pretty clear. And why are you angry? I came here to help you!"

"Yes, I know, that's the problem," Lynnie shook her head and did a lap around the coffee table.

I put my hands on my head. "Are you jealous or something?"

"Jealous? Are you kidding?" Lynnie turned around to face the widow, silhouetting her against the London skyline, making it hard to pretend I'm annoyed at her. "I'm not jealous that you're on a date, I'm happy you're on a date. You need to move on, but you can't if you just drop a date to be with me."

"I don't understand you. You want me to come when you call, but you get angry if I do? Also, why didn't you call your hotshot boyfriend, or is he doing some bank thing in Germany or something?"

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm too tired to argue. Maybe you should go."


I stood up and grabbed my coat and walked back towards the door. I didn't even know what was going through my mind. I was so confused but yet so sure about what I wanted, or who.


I turned around so fast I nearly fell over.

"I don't want you to go."

"I don't want to go either."

"Can you stay tonight?"

"Yeah, I can."

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