Chapter 22

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"So why have you gathered us here?" My sister asked, holding her baby on her knee, bouncing her up and down. "I'm meant to be enjoying a holiday."

"I'm meant to be on a date in 30 minutes," May say on the bed, all dressed up and ready to go.

"Yeah," Eleanor nodded. "I actually have no where to be."

I sighed. "Well holidaying and Hayden can wait, because this is important."

"Spit it out Evelyn," Lexi looked bored.

I took a deep breath and braced myself for their reactions. "John asked me to marry him."

"And you told him no right?" May said after some time.

"Not exactly."

"You said yes?" Eleanor squeaked at a pitch only dogs could hear.


"What the fuck? Evelyn what are you doing?" May stood up and looked at me with a mix of emotions on her face, I couldn't quite pick one out.

I looked at the others and Eleanor was sat biting her lip, and Lexi was emotionless, gripping Elena.

"I'm just trying to figure out what I want," I tried to explain but Eleanor shook her head.

"But you don't want John."

"I don't know that."

"Yes you do, we know it, Jack and Joe down the hall know it, wake up Evelyn," she continued.

I looked back at my sister begging for her to say something, but she stayed silent.

"I can't believe we're having this conversation," May got up, "I have a date to get to. I'll see you later."

She walked out of the room quickly and I was left mouth hanging open not quite sure what to do or say.

It had only been a day since John had proposed. I didn't sleep all night. I kept pacing up and down my bedroom staring out the window at the busy streets of London and all the busy people wishing I was one of them.

Then Jude entered my mind, as he did at the most inconvenient times. I lay back on the bed and thought about how I was going to break up with John that night and tell Jude that I loved him. But did I really love Jude? Or did I love the idea of him? Life with John would be simpler, easy even. Life with Jude would be a struggle, a whirlwind.

"I'm going to go to my room," Eleanor said, already halfway out the door. She looked at Lexi before leaving, who was now stood up.

"Evie, do you really want to marry John? Have you really thought this through? A life of banking parties and boring people, and being alone in the house while your husband is away every week?"

I sat on my bed. "I would have everything I'd want."

"You wouldn't have Jude."

"This isn't about Jude, this is about me and John."

Lexi rolled her eyes. "Everything with you is about Jude, and you know it. You both love each other, and you're too stubborn to give in because you think he's going to run away again."


"Yes, if you marry John you'll regret it for the rest of your life. If you tell Jude you love him, you might end up heartbroken but at least you will have tried."

"Lexi, it's not that simple."

She shook her head and walked towards the door. I followed her desperate for her to wave a magic wand and make my mind up.

"I'll see you on Friday before I leave," she smiled and hugged me. "Call Jude and talk, then make your decision."

"Ok." And I did.


Sorry it's been a while. Hopefully got plenty more chapters coming with this story and my new one (about Lando Norris). Thank you for reading. ❤️

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