Chapter 16

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I had forgotten how cold and dark London was in November. It had rained nearly every day since I'd been home. Lectures were boring, more boring than usual anyway, and I found myself wandering around the apartment until 2am each night trying to clear my head.

Turns out that it was physically impossible.

"Eat the crêpes I made you," May's voice snapped me back into reality and my eyes focused on her fork pointing at my plate.

"You didn't make them," Eleanor scoffed, sitting on the kitchen counter. "You bought them from Tesco and microwaved them."

"Same difference," May shrugged.

Eleanor rolled her eyes and I smiled. "How's Hayden?" I asked May and her cheeks swiftly turned pink.

"You mean the hot Canadian she hasn't stopped FaceTiming?" Eleanor hopped off the counter and leaned against the island. "They were talking until past 3am last night."

"3am?" I faked being shocked.

"It wasn't that late," she hid her smile. "He's nice, and easy to talk to."

"And easy on the eyes," Eleanor nodded.

I laughed. "Are you in love with him or something?"

"No, but I have to live vicariously through you two considering I'm terminally single."

"You could get a boyfriend if you wanted," May said, finishing off my food that I hadn't touched.

"But that would involve actually speaking to someone other than you two."

I smiled at my friends before my mind wandered back to my last night in Paris. After the ceremony, and Jude had said goodbye to his family, he came back to my suite and I opened the most expensive bottle of champagne I could find, partly to celebrate Jude's award, partly because I was angry at John.

We drank the entire bottle between us that night and were extremely drunk by the early hours of the morning.

"You have the most beautiful eyes," Jude said after we'd finished playing with the tv remote.

I blinked a few times as I felt my cheeks heat up and I turned away quickly. It was a clear night, the moon lit up the Parisian streets and reflected into the room making it glow. His face looked almost angelic in the dim light.

"You're blushing," he whispered, he was so close to me now, I could feel his breath on my neck. "I know you still love me the way I love you. I know you."

My tongue was frozen, I couldn't even make a sound. Or I didn't want to. I felt his hand touch my chin and move it round so our eyes were level. He pulled me in and kissed me softly. I kissed him back harder, moving my hand to his hair.

Jude's hands moved down my body and reached my waist. I moved back until I could feel the cold floor against my shoulders. I moved my hands along Jude's chest and found the buttons as he was on top of me, his lips never leaving mine.

As I reached for his top button, I hesitated. A wave of guilt washed over me. What was I doing?

Jude noticed and pulled away. "Are you ok?"

"I can't do this," I said, sitting up and running a shaky hand through my hair. "I can't do this to John."

"Lynnie, the guys an idiot," Jude shook his head. "He can't even tear himself away from his work for a weekend."

I sighed. "No, he's my boyfriend. I love him."

"You love him?"

"Jude this can't be news to you?" I wrapped my hands around myself, staring at him.

He looked upset and confused and hurt all at the same time. It broke my heart, but I couldn't betray John more than I already had. "Fine, I'll see you then."

"Jude," I said but he already slammed the door.

"Evelyn, seriously, what is up with you?" May said.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I faked a smile, but I could tell both of them could see right through it.

"Yeah and I'm a sunflower sea star," Eleanor rolled her eyes.

"Do you really have to make everything about marine biology?" May said.


"Anyway," May continued, "are you sure you're ok? What happened in Paris?"

"You two are like gossip piranhas," I smiled. "Don't you both have places to be? That job interview and the airport to meet Hayden?"

"That's a good point," Eleanor stood up quickly and raced into her room.

"Fine, I'll leave, but I want a full explanation about why you're acting weird when I get back."

"I'm fine May, have a good time with the hot Canadian," she glared at me as I waved her out of the apartment and was quickly followed by Eleanor.

I looked around the room, and I was alone again.

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