What Lay at Crovan's Gate

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February 14th: 12:03am:
A timestamp! That's a good sign isn't it!? Well, I think I should tell you all what happened. The eclipse came early. I think we would've noticed if we hadn't been in the tunnel. I think we were lucky actually. We were taking a goods train, as usual, taking it up to the works. We went into the duel gauge tunnel when the eclipse struck, so we didn't see it. Clay burst into tears, and Louie shouted some curse words, but we only laughed. I mean, it did look lovely! For a short while at least. We reached the works station, and Donald blew a friendly whistle to Rheneas. But he didn't reply. As we rolled through the station, we saw what appeared to be a ransacked station. We had no time to think, as Rheneas screeched! This took us all off guard, and sent Clay tumbling from the cab! We shot past. We were going to stop for Clay. I promise, we had no intentions of leaving him, but..... Rheneas... Something... Something changed. He looked nothing like Rheneas. Like something from the depths of hell had crawled into the funnel, and had killed and distorted the engine. 

We could only listen, and the thing tore Clay limb from limb

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We could only listen, and the thing tore Clay limb from limb... We shunted the train, and hurried into the works shed. Duke and some workmen were inside, and all seemed unscathed. Apparently, Duke was sent in for some repairs and was sleeping when the eclipse struck. This killed a plethora of workmen in an instant, and changed more than half of them. Some lured them out, and shut the doors, they only opened it because of the windows. Donald is in shambles, I don't blame him, we both have twins out there, and lord knows where they are! It sucks, but there isn't much we can do. Not yet, we need more preparation. Thankfully the workmen have some crew quarters, so we can more than likely eat and sleep. We'll see. News crews are swarming the car park. We're fucked.

February 14th: 6:23am:Despite everything we've experienced, I actually slept well

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February 14th: 6:23am:
Despite everything we've experienced, I actually slept well. Donald did too. I guess we were all so wiped out after the last few weeks. But, as stupid as it sounds, we're going back out there. Well, Donald and I are. Louie disappeared in the middle of the night. Donald said he went out for a smoke, but he hasn't been seen since. Sooo. We need some help. Well, needed. I asked one of the people assisting, Koko, nice girl, seems chil, what we need on our mission. The workmen are helping us load some supplies. During the night, a civilian entered, and actually gave us some useful information! He was walking in the town when an engine, he didn't say which came at him. He got spooked and flashed his phone light at the creature. This did the trick. I think they don't like light much, so we'll be playing into that. We're setting up some ropes, covered in lamps all along Donald! He's pretty raring and ready to go! The workmen are going to try and fix Duke and head up to the slate mine, or just anywhere that could have people, or even engines. Gameplan! We're going to head up to Tidmouth, where our snowplough should be located! From there, we will be scouring the whole island until we find Douglas! Once we find Douglas, we'll be sticking close together, hopefully we can figure this out! If not, we might get somewhere safer. Possibly Brendam, since it is gated. But I'm not sure.

February 14th: 7:32am:
We've made it to Kellsthorpe Road. Rheneas was nowhere to be seen, but we actually stopped to take a look. Seemingly there was nothing. The station was littered with bodies and rubbish. We didn't stick around too long. The road to Kellsthorpe Road was much the same, just empty. Not many bodies. Once we got there, we got a bit of a sight. More bodies, and in the siding stood the remains of a stirling single. Looks like the infection killed her. Koko threw up, all over the platform. We're just looking for food. Shockingly, Boris, the drunk fucker in the signalbox was completley unscathed. He seemed so unresponsive. There is no point in bringing him along with us. We're just getting some of his food supplies. We got some MaCane pizza here, so we can cook that in the firebox for dinner! Might be nice! Donald seems tense. I don't blame him, we are literally surrounded by corpses. We're just fitting some extra lamps to Donald's front before we keep going.

February 14th: 8:41am:
The trip has been uneventful, but we crept slowly along. I know I for one do not want to be killed. We had to stop at one point while travelling along the mainline. A goods train was blocking the path, the engine making grunting and wheezing noises. We could see a large orange shape at the front, and decided it was best to sneak past. None of us had it in us to look at the engine. We knew that he was a goner. 

We've pulled off to the side of the mainline for a minute just to catch a rest

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We've pulled off to the side of the mainline for a minute just to catch a rest. Donald is feeling very uncomfortable, and I do not blame him. It's fucken horrible what's been going down. And all I want is just to find Douglas and get out of here. Aside from Duke, we haven't heard from anyone else who survived. It looks like the radio tower near Killdane's fallen. We're hoping it won't be crawling with the infected. But I guess we only have one way of finding out.

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