The Final Fight

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February 14th: 12:03pm:
Hold on? This looks familiar. There's a lot to talk about, so, I will. We set off, and hurried up the line. We passed the long dead Murdoch, he hadn't a fighting chance when we saw him, but this was our final sighting. We raced through Crovan's Gate, and saw Emily. I just realised, I think Edward took off one of her buffers for Oliver... Huh. Anyway, We slowed, and unloaded Trevor, and Terrence, who, along with Spencer, set to work evacuating the town! Then, we set off! We reached the entrance to Crovan's Gate. Duck was there, as we suspected. He tried to stop us, but we tore through! I'll go through each of the fights inverdidually, shall I? Duck stood his ground, but was expecting us to slow, and wasn't even expecting Thomas to come flying at him! Thomas screamed at Duck, calling him selfish, and how disappointed in him Thomas was. Thomas threw himself into Duck, throwing Duck backwards! Thomas backed up, and was replaced by Toby! Who also slammed into Duck! This was followed by Percy! Until Duck was backed into the buffers. Thomas got the final hit, shouting at Duck that he still could become a hero, and Thomas threw Duck through the buffers. Duck rolled off the rails. There was a long pause. And, at last, Duck smiled, shakily. And agreed.Thomas and Percy quickly pulled him upright, and the team hurried off! They also took out Rheneas, which was nice of them. BoCo was tricky. Gordon was our leader. No questions asked. But he couldn't bring himself to harm BoCo. He was fine with the combat, but not with the killing. This made the fight an all out brawl! The three big engines serged on! And on! However, briefly, BoCo got the upperhand, and latched himself onto Gordon's handrails! Suddenly, there was a loud whistle! And Duncan came hurrying in! He was petrified, and was shouting that Rusty had tried to kill him! 

This distracted BoCo, and Henry threw himself into it's side! Causing it to stumble! James swooped through, and grabbed the old diesel engine's tentacles! Tossing it to the sheds! This caused the other Narrow Gauge engines to scurry out! Sir Hande...

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This distracted BoCo, and Henry threw himself into it's side! Causing it to stumble! James swooped through, and grabbed the old diesel engine's tentacles! Tossing it to the sheds! This caused the other Narrow Gauge engines to scurry out! Sir Handel and Duke through the back! Peter Sam through the front! BoCo tried to snatch up Peter Sam! But, like my jokes, it failed. The Branchline engines scampered in! And like magic! Tied the monster down! James shouted, and Derek bolted through! BoCo tried to grab him! But Derek was gone in a flash! He flew past us, and vanished! BoCo tried and tried to get up! But the tank engines and railcar kept it down! Henry, James and Gordon arranged themselves, and at last, with one last joint effort! The monster was dead. Gordon burst into tears at this point, and Henry and James swooped him away. We had the last fight! For a whole hour, it was just the Scottish twins, VS Edward! Several times, we got the upper hand, and several times, Edward did. At last, Edward shouted how he'd already won! And threw it. Dilly. Donald cried out in terror, and I threw the Scottish twin back! With a crack! We hit the buffers! Dilly, still flying ahead of us! But just! Koko turned to me, and smiled, before she leapt from the cab, jumping from the tender! She snatched Donald's little duck, and hit the ground with the thwack! I jumped down, and came bolting over! Thank god, Koko was okay, but she was a bit scraped over. I helped her to her feet, and examined Dilly. Dilly seemed unharmed, and quacked happily. While I was distracted with my wife, Douglas battled valiantly on! He asked what was wrong with Edward! And, for a second, Edward looked sad, and told the Scottish twin he couldn't stop it. This simple moment. Would change everything. Even if we didn't know it. Koko and I climbed into a cab! And shot Donald forward! Throwing himself into our blue friend! At that moment, Derek returned! Sedrick and Rodger behind him! And, they joined us, for another.. Twenty minutes I think? At last, Donald, who had been getting crosser and crosser! And at last, he snapped! Donald screamed an angry war cry and he took off! We threw ourselves into Edward, just as Duke whistled! He shouted at us to shunt him into the old shed! We did! Edward hit the buffers! And was tossed off the rails! Donald quickly reversed, and we backed next to Douglas. Derek committed a bit of trolling, and instantly, the shed was engulfed in flames! Percy quickly hurried over, and pushed Old Slow Coach into the shed. There was yelling. Begging from the old coach, Edward was fighting for control. We all stood, watching. Then, our plans went tits up. Edward used a tendril, and shoved Old Slow Coach out! Begging her not to kill herself for him! She came flying back, and crashed right into Duck! Just shocking them both. Edward was still fighting for control. Then, it happened, Douglas whistled, and took off, Hunter and Trixie charged Donald's other half straight into the burning building, slamming into Edward, all we could do was watch in horror, frozen, as Douglas, the engine who had been sent into his death by Edward, was now buffer to buffer with him, we heard frantic screams! Echoing out like drums from the building! Edward's voice mixed with sickening roars from hell, those same horrid tendrils started exploding out from the building uncontrollably! Flying around like flies! One even knocked Toby off the rails! The shed was on the brink of collapse! Donald screamed for Douglas, to run, to do anything to save himself. Only moments later, Douglas scurried out, dragging Edward by a tendrils! The intensity of the flailing increased, as now, we could all hear the battle! The screaming and pleading, Douglas begging for Edward to fight it

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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