"A solar eclipse is scheduled to come through to Sodor! However, the weeks leading up to it cause a bit of a disturbance, and when the eclipse finally does come. It changes the lives of everyone on The Fat Controller's Railway.
Loosely based on the...
February 18th: 10:31am: Things took a bit of an unexpected turn. Everyone's been worrying about Oliver, Duck especially. At last, Gordon said that he, us and Douglas should go look for Oliver. However, we never got the chance. As we lit up the engines, we heard them.. Those monsters were back, we all watched, as they emerged from the branchline! To our... half relief, BoCo turned away, and slumped down the other way. Harvey on the other hand, came for us! Luckily, Douglas had been fired up quickly, and Hunter shunted Douglas backwards! Ready to protect us, until we were ready! But they never got the chance. There was a loud whistle, booming through the distance! Gordon shouted at Douglas to get back into the yard! Douglas scrambled into the yard, just in time! Henry came thundering by! Thomas was hot on his tail! Before we even knew how to react, Henry careened into Harvey! Destroying the crane engine instantly, pieces flying off himself in the process! The trucks he was hauling piled behind him! And then, silence. Or so we thought. At we did hear something. It sounded horse, and rough. At last, I realised what it was. Coughing. Henry was coughing! Clearly, Gordon had the same idea, and called out, to see if Henry was alright! Henry replied, saying he was a little banged up, but alright!
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Thomas was able to rerail him, and Hunter chatted up his crew. I swear, Trixie and Crimson must hate my guts. Apparently, they had been heading along with their goods train, bound for the works station. As they puffed along, the eclipse came. And Henry quickly realised everything wasn't right. As he began to feel a sharp pain. However, those tendrel fanblade looking things covered him before he could do anything. Turns out he was fully sentient the whole time. He wasn't even crying, he was trying to shout at us, or trying to distract BoCo, as he could still hear what Trixie and Crimson told him. Also, he killed Louie. So, that's good to know. Gordon's feeling much better about things, as he has one of his closest friends back! Duck's looking bitter, but what can I do?