Chapter Nine | The Third Quarter Quell

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Quinn sat at the kitchen table of Mags' elegantly decorated house. She had lived there longer than she lived outside of Victors' Village. She had put a lot of time into the decorations of each room. Each room had a different theme, but they all connected to District Four. The entry hall and the living room were based of the docks. When she had been in her twenties, she had gone around collecting old pieces of wood and made her own picture frames and decorations. Then the kitchen and dinning room, where Quinn sat, was based off of beaches. Pieces of decorations were assortments of shells that sat in vases of sand.

"Don't you want any more, Quinn?" Annie asked.

Quinn sighed and pushed her plate away, "No, I'm fine."

Part of that was true. She was fine, she wasn't hungry. But she wasn't completely fine, she could feel anxious and sickening tension building up more and more in her stomach. President Snow would be addressing the Third Quarter Quell. The first Quarter Quell had the tributes voted for by the District, the second there were four kids reaped. Two boys and two girls. Now, this, the third quell...there could be absolutely any sort of twist. And considering the current circumstances, the twist wouldn't be a good one.

"But I think I'm going to go for a walk around though..." she sighed, picking up her plate to take to the sink. "Maybe meet Finnick at the station."

Finnick had got to the Capitol for the weekend, and he was supposed to be back soon. Just in time for the announcement too. As soon as she could, she wanted to talk to him about his trip. About the letter she had him give to Orion. She wished she could have gone with Finnick, and gave Orion the message to not do anything in person. There was a lot more she just didn't write because of the fact Finnick would have it, there would have bee a chance that Finnick could have read it. There was so much more she would have said in person...

"Will you be back for the announcement?" Annie asked.

As Mags gave Quinn's hand a small goodbye squeeze as she walked by. Quinn nodded, "Yeah, probably. But I might end up going home to watch it." she replied as she walked out of the kitchen. "See you later, thanks for dinner Mags." she called over her shoulder towards the dinning room.

Then without saying another word, she stepped out of the house. It was extremely humid out, it had been for a few days. So Quinn had her hair in a tight fishtail braid down her back, a plain t-shirt, and a pair of denim shorts with a plain pair of tennis shoes. She made her way past the Victors Fountain and then towards the main part of the District. She really wasn't going anywhere in-particularly, she was mainly just going to see if Isabella was out and about-- but she wasn't surprised to see that almost nobody was out. Everyone was in their homes waiting for the announcement or watching for it in the square. Quinn didn't want to see at all, the fact that Snow was going to be controlling a twist that could make things worse-- it made her wish she had stayed in Thirteen. With Orion. But instead she was back in Four with people who agreed with her, and Orion was in the Capitol with people like his grandfather.


Quinn stopped in her tracks and turned towards the sound of Colemans voice. He was sitting outside a small house, probably the place the peacekeepers had helped him get a hold of after the warehouse was burnt down.

"Hey," she replied and took the few steps towards him. "So this is the place they got for you?" she asked.

It had one floor, and a makeshift wooden platform in front of it for him to sit on outside. Then two windows-- one on each side of the door. It was wide enough that it looked like it had different rooms, but not very big ones.

Coleman looked up at it behind him, "Yeah, not much's nice on days like this." he sighed.

Then after a moment Quinn let out a long sigh.

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